thats the thing, too dave.. i never said that digital art is NOT art... i was agreeing eith you-- that to call something "hand tinted" is misleading.

that was the jist of my entire response, as well.


On Apr 21, 2009, at 12:27 PM, Dave Rosen wrote:

Rich, speaking for myself (Jeff may feel differently), I'm not saying that painting an image digitally is not art. Some beautiful art has and is being created digitally and I have no problem with that.

What I'm saying is calling a completely digital process "hand- tinting" is misleading. It implies the artist actually tinted by hand a hardcopy print or photo, whereas the tinting is actually done digitally (it doesn't matter if the artist uses a stylus) and then the result printed out. That's the distinction.

As for more artists working digitally; of course it's happening, but to say paints and brushes will become obsolete? I don't think so. I think there will always be artists who work on real surfaces with real (not virtual) materials. I certainly hope so.

Technology in the arts, used intelligently, can broaden our horizons but it needn't necessarily eliminate or exclude other, earlier ways of doing things. Did the electric guitar make the acoustic guitar obsolete? Nope. Drummers still bang on real drums, potters still throw pots by hand, real actors still strut on real stages. Despite technological developments, these things still go on. Human self-expression needn't be reduced, limited or made obsolete by new technology.


----- Original Message -----
From: Richard Halegua Comic Art
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 3:05 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Bride of Frankenstein photo in "color."

Jeff  you would be correct only if there wasa program that you
one-click" and it colors the photo by itself. an automated colorization

that is not the case as I know of no such program that exists.

the artist must use the mouse to personally colorize the photo
if he has an artist's tablet, then he uses a stylus and not a mouse (the preferred way artists do it now)

the artist in either case must continually go back and forth with a palette and pick the colors etc. he must direct the "virtual brush" over the photo by hand in order to achieve what he has done.

that's just the way it is done today. at art schools all over the nation they have classes for illustrating and painting digitally and you would probably be shocked to learn of many artists who use this technique. paintings/

look at that link.. every piece there has been digitally created. no oil paint. no acrylics, no pen and ink, no watercolors

the canvas was a computer monitor

if you think that isn't art.. I say  "you don't know what art is"

I've been an art dealer for decades, and while as an artist I use watercolor & brush, as time goes by, that way of painting is going to be obsolete in generations to come


At 10:18 AM 4/21/2009, Jeff Potokar wrote:
i  am with you 100% on this... "hand tint" suggests this completely--

this guy doing the photos simply needs to say they hae been colored
using photoshop. the added "hand tint" is supposed to give the read
of 'old school' when, in fact, these large stills are nothing more
than digital scans that have been computer colorized.

that would be the same as saying that colorized black and white films
that are done via computer are the same as those that were done back
in the day, when they were HAND tinted, frame by frame.

the two descriptions and meanings of that term could not be more
different, technology or not, 21st century or not.


On Apr 21, 2009, at 6:50 AM, Dave Rosen wrote:

Well, I am old school. I hand-draw my cartoons in pen and ink on
real paper, then scan them and add color using Photoshop. But I
would never dream of calling them "hand-colored." That would imply
that I used a brush and paints (or colored pencils, or crayons),
which I don't.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard Halegua Comic Art"
To: "Dave Rosen" <>; <MoPo->; "Jeff Potokar" <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 12:38 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Bride of Frankenstein photo in "color."

actually I believe it is hand tinting, especially if he has an
artist's tablet
all comics and related items are colored via computer & many are
totally drawn within a computer

*****digital art*****

only old school artists who work in graphic arts use a brush or
pen anymore and frequently those that do use a Flair pen

that's just the way it is now.. 21st century art


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