excellent thought Todd... yes who will be alive to make a opinion in the future...

No one can even agree on the " minty whites" as to who made them , when and even if they were made as in the Inserts...

Only dealers who were around in the period after national screen closed thier depots in cleveland and other places seem to be aware what even happned.. as I personally bought some of the titles in the 80s after film release. As to why the better title exsisted , the person I knew that got them would only stockpile better titles.. However ther have been Numerouse reprints of 1sheet and also inserts lobbies from all kinds of sources... Even warner brothers and Lucasfilm reprinted many 1 sheets off original platers when litho work was pre digital. so even a radiers or other popular title may be a restrike off the original plates done in later time/ As for all these restorations and such, thats another deal all alone and if anyone on the list gets ART business news a trade paper magazine for art ther debate on Picassos and fine art prints has been going on years.. As to how to police the poster world.. I would guess if several of the poster hobbys respected dealers and collectors strted a consortum of people who could reveive the pieces somehow with a network of appraisers that could create a checklist then by way of internet each offer a overview opinio, coupled with a sort of pedigree of the posters sale, and conservation where a record where kept ( perhaps lamp could do this) Then each poster would have a record simlar to Carfax does with VIN # of vehicles on accidents etc....

The Key would be to have agreed upon dealers that could be the voices of the collecting world, this way people Like you Todd and say Bruce, Sue, Kirby , Morrie, the Pooles,Lineback, etc...... would all have a voice and also the critiques and opinions would be yea or nay as far as if the poster was thought to be Original and could be on a simple grid checklist that could be filled out in minutes, the group could charge a modest fee and paypal each oter a split for the time vested.

Im sure collectors would gladley pay a fee to get a stamp of approval., and it would garner better auction result and help insulate sellers and ealer from expensive legal issues.. the group could be indemnified against lawsuits and have a disclaimer that It was just professional opinions based on each contributors life experiance.. If each pledged that they were not in collaboartion of any personal intereste to profit , this could be the most unbiased way to offer some sort ofbalance between sellers and buyers.

The group could draft the questionaire with MOPO members as to what criteria was needed to validate a poster authenticity.. Perhaps ther could be a president position to oversee that could be voted by the inspection group. It could also be set up as a 501 c3 tax excempt group with Funds supporting a cause like poster history. Maybe even santioned by margret herrick library of AMPAS?

just a thought

best Tom
Hollywood dream factory®

Todd Feiertag wrote:

Excellent question Dario.
What's going to happen to the tons of fakes out there once this is all said and done?? First of all, I sincerely believe that most of the buyers of the fakes, still don't realize they have fake posters in their possession and probably never will. The ones that do know...I believe most won't get their money back and will be stuck with a very expensive nice looking piece of paper. Unfortunately, this material will be in circulation for decades to come. For the ones who don't realize they have fakes and even for the ones who do... years from now, their estates will most likely sell those posters not knowing they're fake and the cycle will continue. Todd ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 2009 14:54:03 -0700
From: m...@vintagemovieart.ca
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Poster Villains

What will happen to these pieces one's they have all been used for evidence??


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