JR is completely right about the burden of proof and responsibility...that the 
burden of proof is not with the buyer but with the seller.


I haven't sold any of the fakes but if I did unknowingly as others have done, 
it's my responsibility to make it right with my client, the buyer.  I would 
refund their money in full, including shipping and I would deal with whomever I 
got the piece from.  That's the right thing to do and the way I've always done 
business...not that I've ever had to do anything exactly like this, especially 
since 99.99% of what I sell, I own.


A client and friend paid $50,000.00 for a DRACULA Title Card from a collector.  
After he received it, he didn't like the restoration that was done to it and 
asked for his money back.  The person refused to give him his money back and 
after a while, stopped taking my client's phone calls.  Subsequently, my client 
found out the DRACULA Title Card was a fake.  


If I had sold this piece, I would have refunded his money immediately, 
including shipping both ways and then dealt with the person I got the piece 
from, but that's me.





Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2009 00:21:17 -0400
From: jrl...@mediabearonline.com
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Poster Villains and Red Herrings

Red Herring Alert! Red Herring Alert!

As far as I know, NOBODY proposed issuing COAs for posters, and yet suddenly we 
have a full blown "discussion" dissing COAs and talking about how useless they 
are as if someone *had* made such a proposal.

Hmmm... what's up with that?

A signed statement from a recognized poster expert stating that he/she had 
examined a specific poster carefully and concluded that in their best opinion 
that poster is authentic and original with _______ amount of restoration is 
NOTHING LIKE a typical useless COA.

Obviously, to someone who actually is an recognized expert in this field, like 
Todd or Sean or Bruce or whomever, such a verification statement is not 
necessary, but the verification statement would not be for their benefit. Were 
they the ones who were sold the $2 million worth of fakes over the last several 
years? No. In fact, I should think it would be obvious that people like Todd or 
Sean or Bruce and others are in fact the "recognized experts" who would be the 
ones making the verifications. Who said anything about ignorant self-styled 
experts being employed? What good would that do?

Boy, y'all are going to a lot of trouble to twist a simple proposal for full 
disclosure and independent verification of certain specific very pricey posters 
into something else so you can discredit it. I'd think I was in a session of 
Congress rather than MOPO.

One more time: We're talking about what responsibilities the auction 
houses/dealers have (or should have) to reliably and publicly verify that a 
very pricey product is in fact genuine *before* they sell it to non-experts.

We're talking about taking the burden of proof off of the buyer and putting it 
on the seller, where it belongs.

Funny how everyone keeps wanting to talk around that point and change the 

-- JR

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