I repeat:
they were printed several years after the films were originally  released.

for some of the titles they used the same "plates".........if they were  
available. Some were, some weren't.
some of them were made using the same printing "elements"..........so they  
are sort of restrikes.......
so whether you want to call them restrikes, sort of restrikes, reprints,  
repros...........whatever.........it isn't really that important........what 
is  important is that they are NOT original.
it is totally plausible that the bad guys bought a few thousand of each for 
 just pennies a piece directly from the source 20+ years ago......and that 
they  still have plenty of them left.
A few months ago I personally acquired 600 of the FAKE star wars style c  
one sheets (which I gave one away for free to anyone who wanted one a few 
months  ago...permanently marked as FAKE).....and my source still has another 
roll of  300 in her closet. So my point is that these fakes were produced in 
MASS  quantities and it is totally plausible that the bad guys still have 
stacks of  them even after all these years. 
I do not think they are still printing the inserts..........but that is  
just my opinion......and anything is possible........they could possibly still 
 be making them, but I would be very surprised if they were.
as for the minty white lobby card sets.......its probably a similar kind of 
 story except that it is a little more plausible (in my opinion) that they 
are  still printing them.......

David Lieberman
_CineMasterpieces.com_ (http://www.cinemasterpieces.com/)  | 15721 N. 
Greenway Hayden Loop, Suite 105 -- Scottsdale, Az  85260
Vintage Original Movie Posters | 602 309  0500 | Office/Gallery Open By 
Appt.  Only.

In a message dated 10/12/2009 10:28:28 P.M. US Mountain Standard Tim,  
jrl...@mediabearonline.com writes:


You could be right about  an employee of the print shop doing restrikes 
after hours using the same  press, plates and paper as the genuine strikes. 
But, in that case, they aren't  really "fakes" at all, are they? Since they are 
100% identical to those  inserts which were printed by the same employee 
during regular business hours?  What makes them fake -- the fact that they 
were printed after hours but  nothing else? No, that doesn't float. If there's 
no way to identify a  difference between with a microscope or chemical paper 
analysis, then it's not  viable to say "well this one was printed after 
hours and so it is a fake even  though it is 100% physically identical to this 
original one over here, which  was printed 6 hours earlier during regular 
business hours."

Now if  there is a subtle difference in image size or area, a slight 
difference of  text placement, etc., then you've got something to work with. 
why would a  restrike from a genuine original plate have a different image 
size or text  position? It wouldn't. The only way that would happen is if 
someone used a  genuine original poster for their artwork in the plate-making 
process and had  to zoom and crop it a tiny bit to make it work (or were just 
sloppy and didn't  notice they had cropped the artwork a tiny bit). So 
restrikes don't work for  me as an explanation if there is a difference in 
size, area, text  placement or "fuzziness" of printing. With a restrike from 
original plates you  would have none of that.

The big thing that made people start wondering  about the Mintys was the 
fact that certain specific sellers seemed to have a  unlimited supply of 
inserts for certain titles -- and the use of inserts was  fading away at the 
these films were released and fewer inserts were being  officially printed 
than in earlier decades. So, having an unlimited supply to  sell is a big 
red flag (thus their "warehouse find" cover story). But  unlimited supply 
doesn't fit in with your employee-after-hours-restrikes  theory because surely 
the guy doesn't still work for that 1970's or 1980's  print shop and surely 
the plates are still not available to him, much less the  original type of 

How come they haven't run out of the restrikes?  What, this after-hours guy 
printed up thousands of these restrikes for this  very odd variety of 
titles back in the late 70s and early 80s and then held  onto them all these 
years waiting for EBay to be invented so he could dump  them on the market? 
Doesn't compute. The "warehouse find" explanation actually  seems more likely 
me than that, and I don't buy the warehouse find  explanation.

If they were restrikes made 20- to 30- odd years ago,  surely the original 
restrike print run would have been exhausted by  now?

This leads me to suspect that most of the Mintys, if not all, were  not 
restrikes from original plates but just very good quality printing plates  made 
using genuine original posters as the artwork for the plate making  process 
-- and I suspect new inventory is still being printed (or could be  

-- JR

David Lieberman wrote:  
how many times do we have to discuss this same topic? ;)
The "minty white" inserts were printed in the mid to late 1980's.  They are 
"unauthorized" restrikes. They were most likely done  "after hours" at the 
same place the originals were printed years  before (at one of the nss 
printing facilities).....that is why the  quality is just as good as the 
originals.........that is why they  fooled so many people......and that is why 
still fool people  today. Some are virtually identical with the same art 
cropping  etc., and some have the artwork slightly cropped.
The list of titles is on our website.....some of these  fake inserts 
include: a clockwork orange -X rated, jaws, star wars,  esb, rotj, scarface, 
runner, manhattan.
There were also several unauthorized  restrike one sheets printed around 
the same time.  They probably came from the same source as the minty white  
inserts (at least that's my humble opinion!). The manhattan  style b 1sh, fast 
times 1sh, rocky horror 1sh, star wars a,b,c one  sheets.....as well as 
several others.

We have done several comparisons side by side and  have close ups of some 
of them (not all) on our site. They  aren't all in one place though on the 
website. Some of them (like  scarface and manhattan) we haven't done only 
because we haven't had a  fake one and a real one in stock at the same time so 
we could compare  them side by side.
Anybody who thinks the minty white inserts are  "real".....is flat out 

David  Lieberman 
_CineMasterpieces.com_ (http://www.cinemasterpieces.com/)  |  15721 N. 
Greenway Hayden Loop, Suite 105  -- Scottsdale, Az 85260
Vintage Original Movie  Posters | 602 309  0500 | Office/Gallery Open  By 
Appt. Only.

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