
I don't mean to pile on, but you're the one the started this;


"Lord knows the last thing anyone wants to do nowadays is mistakenly list a
repro as an original......the wrath from collectors is never ending if one


Just wondering what everyone thinks about this one. We have it listed now




Bruce thinks it is probably a repro because several have recently surfaced,
seemingly all from the same source.....but for now I respectfully disagree.


Here is why I believe it is real:


The paper is thin/consistent with the early 70's. (I did get in a few years
ago 1000's of rolled one sheets from that era and this does indeed look and
"feel" like those).


It is full size 27x41.


It does have that weird printing union logo LPIU on the bottom middle.


It doesn't seem popular enough of a poster to reproduce in large numbers.
For somebody to have just started reproducing them now all of a sudden
doesn't seem likely (although anything is possible).

Now....whether it is a re release from the late 70's???...I don't think so
because it clearly says style C...........I don't think there would be
several different style one sheets issued for a re release.

To me, the best explanation is that somebody just uncovered a stash of them.
I've seen that happen before with countless other titles.

I'll pull it though if the tide changes and the evidence suggesting it is a
repro becomes irrefutable."



Seems to me you have your answer.





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jim episale
Unshredded Nostalgia
323 South main St. Route 9
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"Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional."

From: MoPo List [mailto:mop...@listserv.american.edu] On Behalf Of David
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2009 3:23 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] real Woodstock posters ??


Hi Kevin!


Didn't mean to cause you to become "unsettled", but if you are....so be it.


I really do think its authentic.......if I didn't, I wouldn't have started
this topic on mopo in the first place and I would definitely not try to sell
it. It is not in my nature to try and "pull one over" on someone.......I'm
just not wired that way, despite what some of my critics like to say.


I'm obviously not afraid of a little criticism and controversy......but
honestly I see absolutely nothing wrong with trying to sell a poster if I
truly believe it is authentic.


one of the things no one has really addressed is the presence of the bottom
credits, and how they differ completely from the photo style one sheet.
Would a bootlegger/faker go to all that trouble to create his own style
credits? Also note that there is no R ratings box on it and it has no nss
paragraph or number.


and Rich I luv ya but sheesh!!! enough about the vertigo poster
already!....from day one, minute one I always said I thought it was
faded....as soon as I saw it. Someone with more experience than me told me
it might not be faded, that some were printed that color.....so I went with
it.......fully describing that it may be faded...........but only after the
uproar here I changed it to say it was definitely faded.


David Lieberman

CineMasterpieces.com <http://www.cinemasterpieces.com/>  | 15721 N. Greenway
Hayden Loop, Suite 105 -- Scottsdale, Az 85260
Vintage Original Movie Posters | 602 309 0500 | Office/Gallery Open By Appt.

Our <http://www.facebook.com/pages/CineMasterpieces/7735495839?v=wall>
Facebook Page


In a message dated 11/30/2009 11:33:27 A.M. US Mountain Standard Tim,
treasur...@earthlink.net writes:

"and again.....if any evidence surfaces proving it not to be authentic, I'll
gladly pull it. Not a big deal"


WOW! , Though I've only been on this list for a couple months (even though
I've collecting and sold movie posters since 1980 while in the Navy) , this
comment is truly unsettling. .  


I have always heard, on a more regular basis,  unscrupulous autograph
sellers , especially on eBay , say the same thing KNOWING the chances of an
unsuspecting buyer/victim ever getting it authenticated is highly unlikely.
And,  99.9% of the time such an inexperienced  would NOT even know HOW to
get it authenticated. .   I am actually quite disappointed that there are
"shady" sides of the movie poster industry that I've been , up until the
last few months unaware of.   Although I've seen these "rolled" posters
advertised , my own opinion,was to not take them seriously. I even had a
client ask me about them and advised him to stay way from them and ALL
vintage "rolled" posters, not just from certain dealers. .  The odds AGAINST
their authenticity are just too overwhelming.  And, I even advise such on my
web site


Kevin Conway 

-----Original Message----- 
From: David Lieberman 
Sent: Nov 30, 2009 12:54 PM 
Subject: [MOPO] real Woodstock posters 


healthy discussion!


Thank you Andy Neal for the support.


and thank you Ron Moore for your level headed opinion.


and I really do appreciate the input from Kirby and Freeman. 


and Bruce, we aren't saying "theater used"......we are saying "for
promotional display/use".


and again.....if any evidence surfaces proving it not to be authentic, I'll
gladly pull it. Not a big deal.


If I didn't think it was real, I wouldn't try and sell it as real. Period.
Anyone who thinks I would do otherwise is just flat out wrong.


and wow.......gotta love the suspicious cynics......those who always think
the worst. My bashers!!...."underhanded and unscrupulous"...ha!...those ryan
boys (are they brothers james and rick?....makes sense if they are) really
are a jealous pair aren't they? Creating lies about me to get his/their
point across is just pathetic. The day I start worrying about anything
he/they say will be the day he/they can sell a poster for more than 50


and there is NOT a lot of money at stake here for me. I stand to make about
a hundred bucks (whoopeee!) if I sell this one...and again I don't expect to
sell it...(I only have this one...no more).  It was consigned to us by a
long time client, a very advanced collector.....who also happens to think it
is authentic. We only do on site consignment for items worth $500 or more,
so we just agreed to do this one as a favor to him as he usually sends in
very hi end items for consignment...not like this poster.


and thank you for mentioning the child rearing ability of my father, whom I
played golf with this past weekend. I'll forward the message to him as I
know he will be amused that his parenting skills are being vilified on an
internet message board by some anonymous bozo.


and as for the infamous line in my listings:


"These can be very difficult to find in any condition! A long time can go by
without one of these coming up for sale"


the only reason........and I really mean the ONLY reason that I still keep
that in there is that I know it just irritates the hell out of those who
hate me. :)



David Lieberman

CineMasterpieces.com <http://www.cinemasterpieces.com/>  | 15721 N. Greenway
Hayden Loop, Suite 105 -- Scottsdale, Az 85260
Vintage Original Movie Posters | 602 309 0500 | Office/Gallery Open By Appt.

Our <http://www.facebook.com/pages/CineMasterpieces/7735495839?v=wall>
Facebook Page

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