The original CLASH was exactly what it was meant to be.. a grade B or C fun time. And Olivier as Zeus?? perfect casting... i'm sure Liam Neeson doesnt hold a candle to that performance..

I am seeing it this week, at the DGA here in los angeles. It may be awful, the 3D may "blow" (to quote someone else), or it may not. i'm also interested in the CG FX used for creatures like Medusa and The Kraken. Again, the original utilized the amazing stop motion animation of Ray Harryhausen-- so for that reason alone, Franc, the original was worth taking a look at.

How many remakes have been ridiculous or lacking? Many-- thats for sure. One that comes to mind most recently is THE WOLFMAN. it tried but failed in many respects. After seeing i, it was obvious why it was shelved for about a year after it's initial release date.


On Apr 4, 2010, at 5:52 AM, Franc wrote:

The original Clash Of The Titans was awful and to remake it was ridiculous

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