Hi JR:
I agree with you 100% and like your conclusions about our society today.  
Right on the mark.
All The Best,
--Tom Pennock 
In a message dated 6/8/2010 4:38:57 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
jrl...@mediabearonline.com writes:


I've experienced the same. And worse, most of the time  the person you hold 
the door open for does not even say "thank you" (or say  anything for that 
matter). When I'm in the line at the store checkout, if I've  got a lot of 
items in my cart and someone comes up behind me holding just one  or two 
items in their hand I will wave them to go in front of me saying  something 
"go ahead, if that's all you're getting". Now, absolutely  *everyone* 
always takes me up on the offer to cut ahead, but only about 2 out  of 10 ever 
say "thank you" (or anything). We have raised several generations  who don't 
act civil because they were never trained as kids about the basic  concept of 
civility or common courtesy. So when they run into it in real life,  they 
don't even have enough social consciousness to make a simple "thank you"  

Not hard to understand what these generations don't have  a clue as to how 
to be civil online.

-- JR

Tom A. Pennock wrote:   
Not too long ago I was at the Post Office and I took the door to hold  the 
door for a woman. She looked at me puzzled as to what my motive was or  what 
I was going to do. Then she realized I just wanted to open the door for  a 
lady and had some manners. Really sad when you can't even hold a door open  
for someone without your motives coming into question. 
--Tom Pennock 
In a message dated 6/6/2010 8:05:01 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
_sya...@gmail.com_ (mailto:sya...@gmail.com)  writes:

Me  too.

Civility seems to have eroded everywhere.  Many times I  pick up multiple 
packages from my post office box and I can count on less  than three fingers 
how often people coming in will hold the  door.


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