Kudos Tom, manners make a man and manners cost nothing. Might get myself a 
drink to that. One thing that does cross over into the lack of civility region 
that does bother me is the lack of email responses on a one to one basis, there 
does seem to be quite a fair amount of that in this hobby. Just one thing I 
have noticed and think needs taking onboard as a whole.

Anyway, will enjoy this jack daniels and retire for the night.



On 2010-06-09 01:01:41 +0100 Tom A. Pennock <tapenn...@aol.com> wrote:

> Hi JR:
> I agree with you 100% and like your conclusions about our society today.  
> Right on the mark.
> All The Best,
> --Tom Pennock 
> In a message dated 6/8/2010 4:38:57 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
> jrl...@mediabearonline.com writes:
> Tom,
> I've experienced the same. And worse, most of the time  the person you hold 
> the door open for does not even say "thank you" (or say  anything for that 
> matter). When I'm in the line at the store checkout, if I've  got a lot of 
> items in my cart and someone comes up behind me holding just one  or two 
> items in their hand I will wave them to go in front of me saying  something 
> like 
> "go ahead, if that's all you're getting". Now, absolutely  *everyone* 
> always takes me up on the offer to cut ahead, but only about 2 out  of 10 
> ever 
> say "thank you" (or anything). We have raised several generations  who don't 
> act civil because they were never trained as kids about the basic  concept of 
> civility or common courtesy. So when they run into it in real life,  they 
> don't even have enough social consciousness to make a simple "thank you"  
> acknowledgment
> Not hard to understand what these generations don't have  a clue as to how 
> to be civil online.

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