Here's my story from this weekend....I'm still in awe....


So a friend's wedding reception was this past Friday.  The wedding was
in May down the islands and this was just a party for gifts, which I was
ok with, however I did not attend for my hockey team is in the Stanley
Cup Finals and it's quite rare for my Flyboys to make it this I
did not attend the festivities of a fake wedding reception.  My friend
understood whole heartily - he's a huge flyers fan as well.  My wife did
attend and in tow she took our gift, well not actually the gift per se
but a nice box wrapped in pretty paper with a picture of the gift inside
plus a very nice card.   The gift was a weber gas grill...a very nice
one to boot...not your average $100 wedding gift mind you - well of $500
smacks.  The card said the gift would be dropped off this weekend.  So
on Sunday we delivered it my friend...he was thrilled....his wife was
not at home when we first arrived but soon afterward arrived back from
Target.  We went down to meet her and say hi and all that jazz.  As part
of the gift I also got a very nice set of tongs to go with it.  My
friend handed her the tongs and she said "God I hope these aren't like
the last set you got"....that's all she said...not one goddamn thank
you...nothing....not even - "oh let me go look at it"...nothing.  My
wife and I got back in the truck and were shocked....not one goddamn
thank you from the wife....I almost felt like backing up the truck to
his garage and taking it back.  What the hell is with this generation?
And I'm not much older and I still have the decency to hold the door or
say thank you for any sort of gift even if I don't like it - my
grandmother taught me that with the Christmas socks I always got....I
miss getting those socks.



From: MoPo List [] On Behalf Of Cory
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 9:22 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] The death of civility



Actually, I've had the just the opposite experience. I've often had good
experiences with other people both at the post office and when loading
in at shows.
   In fact, I often went to New York City for shows and even there found
that people were helpful when you are struggling with a cart full of
posters. When Morris Everett had his show at the Hotel Pennsylvannia
there were a set of double doors that always were a challenge to get
through. I remember many times when total stranger - new york strangers
to boot - would hold one of the doors and help me get my cart through.

I go to about 45 shows a year and we go to the post office every week
and never have any of these problems. People are usually polite and
I can't believe I am just lucky. Maybe trends work in both directions at
the same time.


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