I could live with a little tape in the borders, as it is in your poster, Rich.  
 The question is, would you be just as happy with your Dracula poster if the 
tape ran down John Carradine's face?

So when are we going to see this poster in your Wednesday auction?

Great poster!   I want one!
John W

From: Richard Halegua Comic Art <sa...@comic-art.com>
Sent: Thu, October 7, 2010 6:34:40 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Linen-backing versus Paper-backing

Linenbacking is something that is a poorly used tool in my opinion

restoration is not the same as linenbacking, though they are usually done in 

#1 linenbacking to eliminate folds to me is a fool's game. 

#2 restoration to eliminate minor defects is a fool's game

#3 inenbacking & restoration for purely "cosmetic issues" is a fool's game

why people do these things is their business, but I rarely buy a linenbacked 
poster and as Dario knows, I almost never send a poster out for this service. 

in the last 5 years I have had resto done to exactly 2 posters

one was a Lady From Shanghai wc that I sold in my auctions 3-4 years ago. It 
severely water damaged, stained and the paper layers were splitting etc. The 
item was in dire need of restoration or it would continue to deteriorate until 
it was dust 

the other was a 1952R Kong 1sh that I've had for 25 years. It had been framed 
behind glass and as we know, glass transfers heat, so over the years, the 
had become brittle and therefore necessitated linenbacking so it to would not 
crumble to dust (Dario did both posters)

I have posters displayed all over the place here. My House of Dracula 1sh has a 
piece at the top center that has peeled back & was "taped back" improperly. 
about 1 inch by 1/4 inch


poster is otherwise pretty nice

It is proudly framed right next to the desk that I am sitting at this very 
moment. I could care less about these MINOR DEFECTS

I do have some posters that I will send out as they need help.
1931 Thelma Todd poster has a large snipe pasted over the title.. I mean one 
huge snipe across from left to right
Sleeping Beauty 1sh - the eyes have been cut out of SB and the rabbit
Looney Tunes 1sh - Bug's ears have been cut out
1904 poster I just got from Bruce.. it's in 3 pieces

these are what restoration is for. 

Doug Taylor has a great collection as we all know
he regularly backed every poster he got because he wanted to. By his own 
admission, He has been rethinking that work.

linen & restoration in movie posters is an over-used process

sometimes it is unavoidable - how else could you display a 6 sheet or a 24 
sheet? But in general.. I think it is not a good thing

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