The C-word has quite a long and sometimes controversial history in the  
English language...a direct reference to it appears in "The Miller's Tale", a  
story  in Geoffrey Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales", written in the 14th  
century. (I remember being amazed by that reference way back when we studied  
Chaucer in high school.
Just Chaucer a part of any high school curriculum today?  
He's probably been replaced by Nicholas Sparks or Diary of a Wimpy Kid...)
In a message dated 6/10/2012 3:41:59 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Interesting points...but I  would advocate that the word Negro is a very 
noble word and the bastardisation  is not. 

However to take this further Wing Commander Guy Gibson called  his dog 
Nigger, this is an historic fact, if you watch the film The Dam  Busters they 
have not shied away from it...the promised remake though will  have the dogs 
name dropped...I agree the word is offensive in todays society  but if a film 
is to be historic then keep to the history...the Tukagee Airmen  were often 
called this by their officers and each other...Dam Busters and  Tuskagee 
airmen were both in the same if history is concerned lets  keep it 
that way and not offend those that gave their lives...there are still  a few 
Dam Busters alive and the death of Gibson's dog was an important  historiv 
event the day before the raid.

-----Original  Message-----
From: allen day <>
Sent: Sun, 10 Jun 2012  11:32
Subject: Re: [MOPO] HIGHLY OFFENSIVE: Seriously?

Howdy y'all,

After I read that quote (which was my first time ever, believe or not), I  
thought it amusing, but I was kinda surprised that it was there,  

The quote does not bother me in the least, but I am a diff gender.

I work at a hospital; most hospital employees (including administration)  
are approximately 90% female.

Among the staff that I work with, we have discussed many topics with  
relatively few limits; (experiencing life/death events regularly during any 12  
hour shift tends to alter one's discussion topics).

Naturally, the c-word (and similarly the n-word), have been discussed  over 
the years.

Those words can be demonizing, demoralizing, soul draining, and tend to  
create a vacuum.

However, in people of the same ethnic, the n-word can be a term of  
affection / endearment.

Similarly, the c-word, when discussed exclusively by a certain gender,  
tends to have a less antagonizing effect. ... or to be a lil' more plainer ...  
if a man utters the c-word, he will be forever known; 'flogged' 
relentlessly;  and 'frozen out' ... should a women utter the c-word, she will 
dismissed as  just a low class bee-yotch having a bad day.


 From: Kirby McDaniel <_kirby@MOVIEART.NET_ ( >
Sent: Saturday, June 9, 2012  7:27 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO]  HIGHLY OFFENSIVE: Seriously?


This jokey comment was in no way directed at you, Diana.  IN NO WAY.  I 
would like to clarify to Diana Everett and to Morris  Everett and to everyone 
on this list that this quip that I related on the  list was NOT INTENDED to 
be a comment about Diana or ANYONE on the list.  It is a well-known anecdote 
and racy (and so labeled) wisecrack about  country music (which I actually 
enjoy) and THAT'S IT.    


On Jun 9, 2012, at 5:54 PM, Diana and/or Morris Everett Jr  wrote:

Seriously, Kirby?  
All I did was enter into this  online community of people I know and enjoy 
seeing a time or two a year, to  ask an honest question and have what turned 
out to be a little fun.  Any then you write this?  Disgusting. You need to 
get a life.  You owe this woman, wife, mother, and grandmother of two young  
girls an apology.  Nevermind. I won't be coming back to look for  one.
Diana Everett

 From: Kirby McDaniel <_kirby@MOVIEART.NET_ ( >
To: Diana and/or Morris Everett Jr  <_dianademail-lastmo@yahoo.com_ 
( > 
Sent: Saturday, June 9, 2012 11:57  AM
Subject: HIGHLY  OFFENSIVE: Re: [MOPO] Off topic: but oh boy would I love a 

The greatest moment in the history of country music was when Johnny  Cash's 
stepdaughter, Carlene Carter, said that she was "going to put the  cunt 
back in country."*  It's  
been all downhill after that.

*In 1979, during a concert at _New York_ 
( 's _Bottom Line_ 
( , _Carlene 
Carter_ (  introduced a song 
about mate-swapping  called Swap-Meat Rag by stating, "If this song don't put 
the cunt  back in country, I don't know what will."

Yours sincerely,
Pat Boone

On Jun 9, 2012, at 9:27 AM, Diana and/or Morris Everett Jr  wrote:


We are indeed!  And the boots I would be scootin' in are  custom made Paul 
Bonds with my initials inlaid front and back! We're  serious about this 
stuff, by golly!  You should have seen the show  tonight.  Blake Shelton and 
Jake Owen made me swoon,  Carrie  Underwood who is sheer perfection in every 
way certainly had Mo's  attention,  and the National Anthem was sung to 
perfection by The  Oak Ridge Boys.  That's what I'm talking' about:  Yee  Haw!

As for the "porn" you sent Morrie, Kirby you nut,  those  were some great 
shots of movie poster stuff from back in the day.  Mo is hanging his head for 
not getting back to you the moment he  watched it.  I really enjoyed seeing 
Mo bidding in that auction.  He says THANK YOU!!

Okay, so I have no input as to how to get great  - or  even good-  tickets 
to next year's CMA event.  Bummer,  dudes. 

'Night- By the way, here is my favorite, hands down, no question  about it, 
FOREVER AND EVER favorite country music video. Mo loves it  too. We both 
wish we could have participated!!  Watch it standing  up and HAVE A GOOD 

 From: Kirby McDaniel  <_kirby@MOVIEART.NET_ ( >
Sent: Friday, June 8, 2012 2:33  PM
Subject: Re:  [MOPO] Off topic: but oh boy would I love a  favor.....

They're boot-scooters! They should move to Texas.  Like  Stephen McNally 
and the Indians in APACHE DRUMS, we are  
surrounded by those people.  Yee hah.


On Jun 8, 2012, at 12:11 PM, Richard Halegua Posters + Comic Art  wrote:

At 07:03 AM 6/8/2012, Diana and/or Morris Everett  Jr wrote:

I am a huge (  okay,  bigger than huge) country music fan, and Mo has been 
a  willing convert. 

Poor  Morrie

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