wow.. so you only look in the actual vintage posters category and you also don't take the time to see how many repros are in the originals categories?

try adding each category under the top level category <>Entertainment Memorabilia and examining each one for how many repros are listed in these categories

also go to art prints, televison collectibles and a number of others

how about this

do a search for "Casablanca poster" in movie memorabilia and you get 219 listings in movie memorabilia, but if you do a global search through all ebay categories you find 820 listings of course, you will find lots of items that aren't a Casablanca poster in there, but it's one example where there are very many reproduction posters loaded throughout the ebay site, while at the same time, you can be reasonably certain that 95-99% of the original posters will be listed in the correct category

also who knows where you got those numbers you posted
this is the count for the 3 categories only.

<>Originals-United States (176,323) <>Originals-International (74,668)
<>Reproductions (97,929)

now, be a good little boy & go count all the repros & bootlegs in the original US category.. then get back to me...


At 02:21 AM 11/14/2014, filip de volder wrote:
so lets take today , eBay shows :


<>Movie Memorabilia
<>Originals-United States (122,193) <>Reproductions (52,273) <>Originals-International (33,788)


Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 22:17:24 -0800
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Talk About Timing...

there are double the amount of repros on ebay than original posters every day of the year (if not 3-4x)

At 09:02 PM 11/13/2014, Kirby McDaniel imap mail wrote:
Are reproductions and counterfeits "flooding" the market?  Really?
I don't think so.  Sure, there have been some fakes and some chicanery.
But the vast majority of movie posters out there are authentic.

I wish bidll good luck, certainly.

But the idea that most collectors are going to encounter fakes wholesale is just not true.

Think about the millions of movie posters that exist.  And then think about
what percentage of these you believe to be fake. In my experience it isn't even one tenth of one percent if that!

Kirby McDaniel

On Nov 13, 2014, at 10:45 PM, Jeff Potokar <<>> wrote:


How did these various newspapers and media outlets get wind of bidll in the first place, in order to do these stories?

Did you (or an associate) contact them is some capacity to let them know?


On Nov 13, 2014, at 7:57 PM, David Rew wrote:

This today:

This also today
<> With reproductions and counterfeits flooding the market and major retailers also using the sites as another outlet for their products, Mr Rew said finding original collectible bargains was becoming more difficult.

"It's become less about finding that special piece for your collection and more about shopping for everything else. As a collector I don't want to wade through all the everyday retail items, the reproductions, the reprints and the knock-offs just to find that special piece I need for to my collection."

Bidll will cater solely for passionate collectors with reprints, reproductions, fakes and counterfeits banned.


David Rew


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