Interesting discussions all.

Yes, I have managed to get my bidll business and my hobby of movie poster collecting in the news but I truly doubt that is a bad thing even if people want to punch holes in the how I have achieved it. I have appreciated the messages of support for the website both public and private and I am sure there have been many more emails flying around criticising what I am doing as well, but that is the way of the world.

I understand I am not a 'lifer' as some would put it so no, I have not been in the 'business' of the hobby for very long so perhaps some see me as a whipper snapper upsetting the status quo. Nor I am not the world's best marketer or the best web designer either, yet I have always been happy to share what little I do know of web design and/or SEO etc freely (and/or in private) with those who care to listen or ask, because as I whiz past my 54th year I feel I have few experiences/skills and I am always happy to share.

I guess the bottom line is I /am/ offering something a little different that is absolutely no risk and no cost to the seller and if people don't want to bother with it then that is fine however, if people want to give it a go then I welcome you too (with open arms and a man hug). Now, if I manage to create interest in my site AND the hobby in general with people who are not the regulars in the hobby through whatever legal means at my disposal then that is good for those who are a part of it, and so let's enjoy the ride because I am having fun!

...and watch this space.

Truly, have a great week-end everyone.

         *David Rew*

     for serious collectors

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