Agreed.  I've watched Big Adventure twenty times at least...practically had it 
by memory at one time...and he is never creepy in any discernible fashion.  I 
think Adrian doesn't like public masturbation and is possibly unable to see 
past that incident in the life or the creator of the character...but perhaps 
I'm wrong.  Or he doesn't find that act funny. However, I can attest to the 
fact that some do and I will go so far as to say some future generations will 
still find it so.

I love you (and all you do) Pee Wee!  Keep on keeping on!  You're a loner, a 

From: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of Kirby McDaniel 
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 7:31:45 PM

I think it’s clear by now that Adrian doesn’t enjoy Pee Wee.  Who knew that 
when I posted this rather interesting article from the Times Magazine that we 
were going to
unearth all this.  Adrian seems to have a very clear idea of what and who is 
funny and what and who isn’t.

But I think it’s worth noting that what and who is funny morphs thru the years. 
 In 1948, audiences thought that Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis were madly funny - 
and Paramount rejoiced as they kept stashing all that cash.  Later the French 
almost enshrined Lewis as not only funny, but a serious auteur.  Have you 
watched HOLLYWOOD OR BUST recently?  I adore Monty Python, but you might get a 
yawn from more than a few post-millenials, who might not get what the big fuss 
was.  And the Goon Show?  Now that really is an antique.  But nevertheless I 
appreciate them, and I adore Peter Sellers.  But do you think that people would 
howl at A SHOT IN THE DARK today as they did at the Inwood Theater in Dallas 
when I first saw it.  I doubt it.

I think that Pee Wee (Paul Rubens) was not so much funny himself as he brought 
something entirely new to comedy.  He saw people like George Lucas mining 
pop-culture gold and turning it into adventurous faux sci/fi.   I think that he 
realized that all that pop-culture stuff could be sent up comically just as 
well.  And he, and the ensemble he worked with, did just that extremely well, 
re-filtering childhood in America in the fifties in a way that mixed nostalgia 
and the absurd brilliantly.  And I think that Netflix and Judd Apatow have a 
well placed bet that the American public will pay to watch him on Netflix go at 
it again.

But I will say that the last thing I find Pee Wee is “creepy.”


On Feb 17, 2016, at 5:26 PM, Posteropolis 
<<>> wrote:

Can I just chip in here and say I’ve never cared for Benny Hill? *ducks*

But I loved The Goons. (US MoPoers start desperately googling “goons.”)



From: MoPo List [mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU] On Behalf Of Simon Oram
Sent: February-17-16 5:54 PM

There's no accounting for taste!


Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Michael Greenwood
Sent: Wednesday, 17 February 2016 22:49
Reply To: Michael Greenwood

Stop me if you've heard this one before but Adrian doesn't like Pee Wee 
Herman!!!  He's certainly no Steve Martin or Richard Pryor but he's better than 
Chevy Chase.  C'mon!!

Plus, there were,like, six times as many people in the Pythons...hardly fair.

From: MoPo List 
<mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU<mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU>> on behalf 
of Adrian Cowdry 
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 4:10 PM

I saw Billy Connolly live four weeks ago - this is about the eighth time for me 
- Connolly is a comic god - his genius is that he is all about observation.

Connolly has Parkinsons disease and also has had prostate cancer - both 
diagnosis on the same day - and yet he made us laugh about it.

Paul Ruebens is unfunny he cannot compare to the likes of the Pythons, Ronnie 
Barker, Billy Connolly, Lee Evans all Brits or Chevy Chase, Dan Ackroyd, John 
Belushi, Steve Martin and the like all of the same era as Pee Wee. Pee Wee's 
great adventure was an embarresment...I saw it first time around in the US and 
all I saw was a creepy little guy taking cinema goers money. And now he is 
making some sort of come back -

- it all comes down to a matter of taste - I predict his new film will do no 
business in Europe.

Steve Carrel has to be one of the latest great talents on cinema screens and 
transcends international humour - he is a comic who deeserves his plaudits. We 
can all pick out favourites...Pee Wee is way down on the scale and is so 

Believe me we have some who are just as bad in the UK - Frank Skinner for 
example - another one who thinks he is funny and possibly the worst is Russell 
Brand - he's about as funny as a fart in a space suit!

This Never Happened to the Other Fella....

Adrian Cowdry<>

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Adler <<>>
Sent: Wed, 17 Feb 2016 19:39

Back in the late 1970’s I apprenticed the troupe and was a manager for the 
Groundlings Theater in LA on Friday nights.

Paul Reubens initiated a new character - a naive kid who just got off the bus - 
who in the storyline eventually evolved into a comic.
All of LA was mythic and eye-opening to this character and he had a way of 
making you see the fairy tale of it all through his eyes.

This was the first appearance of Pee-Wee and on successive Friday nights he 
would appear and hone the character - change things here or there - draw in the 
audience more and more - Until he finally put together Pee-Wee’s Playhouse - 
the stage production - with other members of the Groundlings group - truly 
brilliant comic talents.

The movies were fun, I thought -
But, all I can say is that in person in those early days and through the 
development of Pee-Wee’s stage show -
I have seen few things funnier or laughed at fewer things harder that I did 
that show.

Rubens would come out tossing candy to everyone, dancing on his tip toes, 
engaging the audience.
I don’t know what it was - but he definitely tapped something both mythic and 
absurd - a wonderful and unusual combination.

Paul was always a very kind and gentle person, even quiet, and it was a shame 
he hit the Hollywood Babylon skids as he did.
We all have our feet of clay -
But in the old days - when it was fresh and never seen before - his act was 
nothing short of scream out loud riotous - you literally couldn’t get the air 
out of your lungs fast enough.

Jeez, I’d love to see something that funny once again!


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