well for my horror fans i did some whome work while you sa you dont aggree with my views hers a few that did.. see who you liked and se they also though like me in the real world..please by all means present you opposing people that didnt aggre with me////

i think these people speak volumes as all men have come short and bela had addictions as we all do have issues.. but fact is i speack from The heart and soul what do you speak from David? what is most imporatnt to em about others is that they find peace and salvation and love. and i believ if you really love people you will let them know the are notalone.. go back and read my posts and see if I ever tryed to sell anyone that they needed to be condemed.. i dont think you will... but maybe i slipped if so i aplooogize what i do stand by is everyone should love and be thankful and hel each other and i learned it fromwhat Christ told us to do.. he sad love eve the ones tha dont aggree.... i see i dont get a fan club but the pnes that have known me years see im just like everyne else i get tempted , i sin and i get angery.. I am not Gods agent i just tell my storys so that youwil see i too have suffered and asked the same questions and even though Ive not got great success// in finacial...I feel like im the maybe 4th richest man in the world.. at the end of its a wonderful life..they show Mark twins quote that No man is a failiure who has friends andive been very blessed to have some great ones who have sustained me when i was sick, alone and broke.... thats why I am 100% sure god is there andI can tell you we will see every family member, friend and movie start ever on earth when we pass.. as steve jobs aaid wow where his last words.. my hope is i can help others know they can meet up again with loved ones and not be sad.... if that makes you not like me fine.. as christ tells clear Goggle it..he said if You follow me they will hate you as they hated me/// this all was never betwen me and you or the ones that dislike my opinions.. anyways.. it was always about me a nd God as thats who matters most to me.. look u what faith your movie makers where and you will be surprised i bet...


I was baptise d episcoplaian like Vincent Price  :) always liked him

On 2017-06-19 15:08, David wrote:
Strikes me that if some people are OK with people posting positive
about religion then everyone should be OK with someone posting
negative. I also think Tom has been around long enough to know that
his views are not shared by all in this world or the real one, I am
sure he posts knowing this and he does not care so let him post but
also don't expect everyone to agree.

allen day wrote on 20/06/2017 1:47 AM:

Hi to all,

I've been a member of MOPO for some time and do not regularly post
due to family/work AND ... I misplaced my vanity re: anyone would
think I have something important to say/type. BUT ... Filip should
not leave, as he adds a 'street view' of topics that are plainly
worded. Granted, some statements could be a little more eloquent,
but what da hay. It is good to have Tom, Tom, and the dread pirate
mel back. Maybe we should not leave when the party is starting to
rev back up.


On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 11:01 AM, filip de volder
<runbuffy...@hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi Scott , please remove me from the mailinglist , with helmut about
to jump ship because of me , in case i don't follow orders , i
wouldn't be able to sleep tonight ...

My bullshit detector has been going berserk since a couple of days
reading mopo messages packed with religious bigotry turning mopo
into a freakshow

I've learned at the age of seven that those who talk most about god
generally have the devil up their arse .



FROM: Helmut Hamm <texasmu...@web.de>
SENT: Monday, June 19, 2017 12:15 PM
TO: filip de volder; MoPo-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU
SUBJECT: Re: [MOPO] Tom Martin

If this discussion does not stop again IMMEDIATELY I'll be out of
here. If Tom or anybody else here feels he wants to conclude his
messages with a religious form, I have no problem with that. To each
his own.

Filip, if you don't like it, send his posts to your spam folder and
be done with it, but PLEASE do not start a discussion over religious
matters on this forum.


Am 19.06.2017 um 07:50 schrieb filip de volder

it's all great and wonderful this ' god is love ' but how comes so
many priests that are supposed to spread the word of god are fucking
little children ?
Where is this god of yours when his disciples rape and abuse
children ? indeed , he's nowhere to be seen .

I've said it before and i'll say it again , religion is in the
domain of psychiatry , this is a forum about movie posters , i don't
see what this ridiculous concept of a god has to do here unless
we're talking movies like spotlight or life of brian .



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