Oh, God, no!  Please, not that.

Kirby McDaniel
movieart.com <http://movieart.com/>

> On Jun 19, 2017, at 11:09 PM, jeffrey walton <jeffrey.wal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> How about we talk about minty white inserts? 
> On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 11:42 PM Franc <fdav...@verizon.net 
> <mailto:fdav...@verizon.net>> wrote:
> I haven't been on MOPO for quite some time. Today, I decided to check back 
> in, just in time an argument now taking place about whether or not religion 
> should be off-topic on this board.  I'm hear to discuss posters and movies.  
> I'm a non-believer who is not offended by religious folk, but I don't come 
> here for religious discussions (or lack thereof).  Ditto political 
> discussions. Can't we just all get along and talk about movie posters? 
> Franc Martarella
> fdav...@verizon.net <mailto:fdav...@verizon.net>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David <shadow....@gmail.com <mailto:shadow....@gmail.com>>
> Sent: Mon, Jun 19, 2017 1:29 pm
> Subject: Re: [MOPO] Hi Scott , time to say goodbye
> Tom
> You asked: "I speak from the heart and soul what do you speak from David?"
> Since you asked, I'm an Aethiest, and honestly, I don't mind that you are not 
> and before tell me the value bringing God into my life, be advised I am 
> married to the daughter of a preacher, so stand in line. ;)
> Personally I have never objected to your posts or to your religion nor have 
> never said I don't like you, and although I can't see where it says such, if 
> you took that from my last comment I apologise. When I read your posts I do 
> so for the content - whether they contain religious references does not       
> bother me, my point was simply if one posts in a public forum then don't 
> expect everyone to agree, some will say nothing otherwise will be more vocal.
> David
> dreamfact...@hollywooddreamfactory.com 
> <mailto:dreamfact...@hollywooddreamfactory.com> wrote on 20/06/2017 5:41 AM:
> well for my horror fans i did some whome work while you sa you dont aggree 
> with my views hers a few that did.. 
> see who you liked and se they also though like me in the real world..please 
> by all means present you opposing people that didnt aggre with me//// 
> i think these people speak volumes as all men have come short and bela had 
> addictions as we all do have issues.. but fact is i speack from The heart and 
> soul  what do you speak from David? what is most imporatnt to em about others 
> is that they find peace and salvation and love. 
> and i believ if you really love people you will let them know the are 
> notalone.. go back and read my posts and see if I ever tryed to sell anyone 
> that they needed to be condemed.. i dont think you will... but maybe i  
> slipped if so i aplooogize what i do stand by is everyone should love and be 
> thankful and hel each other and i learned it fromwhat Christ told us to do.. 
> he sad love eve the ones tha dont aggree.... i see i dont get a fan club but 
> the pnes that have known me years see im just like everyne else i get tempted 
> , i sin and i get angery.. I am not Gods agent i just tell my storys so that 
> youwil see i too have suffered and asked the same questions and even though 
> Ive not got great success// in finacial...I feel like im the maybe 4th 
> richest man in the world.. at the end of its a wonderful life..they show Mark 
> twins quote that No man is a failiure who has friends andive been very 
> blessed to have some great ones who have sustained me when i was sick, alone 
> and broke.... thats why I am 100% sure god is there andI can tell you we will 
> see every family member, friend and movie start ever on earth when we pass.. 
> as steve jobs aaid wow where his last words.. my hope is i can help others 
> know they can meet up again with loved ones and not be sad.... if that makes 
> you not like me fine.. as christ tells clear Goggle it..he said if You follow 
> me they will hate you as they hated me/// 
> this all was never betwen me and you or the ones that dislike my opinions.. 
> anyways.. it was always about me a nd God as thats who       matters most to 
> me.. 
> look u what faith your movie makers where and you will be surprised i bet... 
> http://monsterkidclassichorrorforum.yuku.com/topic/36803/Religious-Faith-of-Horror-Stars#.WUgi4SMrJZI
> <http://monsterkidclassichorrorforum.yuku.com/topic/36803/Religious-Faith-of-Horror-Stars#.WUgi4SMrJZI>
> I was baptise d episcoplaian like Vincent Price  :) always liked him 
> On 2017-06-19 15:08, David wrote: 
> Strikes me that if some people are OK with people posting positive 
> about religion then everyone should be OK with someone posting 
> negative. I also think Tom has been around long enough to know that 
> his views are not shared by all in this world or the real one, I am 
> sure he posts knowing this and he does not care so let him post but 
> also don't expect everyone to agree. 
> allen day wrote on 20/06/2017 1:47 AM: 
> Hi to all, 
> I've been a member of MOPO for some time and do not regularly post 
> due to family/work AND ... I misplaced my vanity re: anyone would 
> think I have something important to say/type. BUT ... Filip should 
> not leave, as he adds a 'street view' of topics that are plainly 
> worded. Granted, some statements could be a little more eloquent, 
> but what da hay. It is good to have Tom, Tom, and the dread pirate 
> mel back. Maybe we should not leave when the party is starting to 
> rev back up. 
> ad 
> On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 11:01 AM, filip de volder 
> <runbuffy...@hotmail.com> <mailto:runbuffy...@hotmail.com> wrote: 
> Hi Scott , please remove me from the mailinglist , with helmut about 
> to jump ship because of me , in case i don't follow orders , i 
> wouldn't be able to sleep tonight ... 
> My bullshit detector has been going berserk since a couple of days 
> reading mopo messages packed with religious bigotry turning mopo 
> into a freakshow 
> I've learned at the age of seven that those who talk most about god 
> generally have the devil up their arse . 
> filip 
> ------------------------- 
> FROM: Helmut Hamm <texasmu...@web.de> <mailto:texasmu...@web.de> 
> SENT: Monday, June 19, 2017 12:15 PM 
> TO: filip de volder; MoPo-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU 
> SUBJECT: Re: [MOPO] Tom Martin 
> If this discussion does not stop again IMMEDIATELY I'll be out of 
> here. If Tom or anybody else here feels he wants to conclude his 
> messages with a religious form, I have no problem with that. To each 
> his own. 
> Filip, if you don't like it, send his posts to your spam folder and 
> be done with it, but PLEASE do not start a discussion over religious 
> matters on this forum. 
> Helmut 
> Am 19.06.2017 um 07:50 schrieb filip de volder 
> <runbuffy...@hotmail.com> <mailto:runbuffy...@hotmail.com>: 
> it's all great and wonderful this ' god is love ' but how comes so 
> many priests that are supposed to spread the word of god are fucking 
> little children ? 
> Where is this god of yours when his disciples rape and abuse 
> children ? indeed , he's nowhere to be seen . 
> I've said it before and i'll say it again , religion is in the 
> domain of psychiatry , this is a forum about movie posters , i don't 
> see what this ridiculous concept of a god has to do here unless 
> we're talking movies like spotlight or life of brian . 
> filip 
> ------------------------- 
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