A bit off topic..... Speaking about Laserdiscs.... they're analog. And I was 
wondering about converting a few laserdisc films to digital onto a external 
hard drive. 

My question is - has anyone herer ever tried using a video AI enhancer like 
Topaz AI to sharpen the imagery.... and was it worth the effort? Did it make 
for a overall improved image?
Larry Brooks

    On Tuesday, April 19, 2022, 01:09:52 PM PDT, Scott Burns 
<sbu...@columbus.rr.com> wrote:  
Oh, and what about Laserdiscs? Got a ton of those taking up space as well. The 
artwork may be no better than what’s on VHS boxes, but at least its record 
album size. Perhaps Laser is the next “hot” collectible? (doubtful, but fingers 




From: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> On Behalf Of Scott Burns
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2022 4:06 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Interesting.


Wow…that eBay link was an eye opener. 


I have boxes and boxes of VHS tapes in storage including my own collection as 
well as those from my parent’s estate. I had considered trying to sell them but 
thought it wouldn’t be worth the effort, with eBay fees and shipping costs 
through the roof.  I browsed VHS collectors groups on Facebook and Reddit and 
thought about just giving them away rather than sending them to the landfill. 
Guess it’s time to dig a little deeper into those boxes and take an inventory. 😊


And I would like to know more about slabbing a VHS tape. I recall comics being 
“slabbed,” and for a while there was interest in doing this to lobby cards. 
Anyone have any details to share?



MoPo List Owner


From: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> On Behalf Of Roland Lataille
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2022 11:07 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Interesting.


Seeing high prices on eBay for VHS tapes - 




On Monday, April 18, 2022, 08:31:50 PM EDT, Kirby McDaniel <ki...@movieart.com> 



A slabbed VHS tape.  Now that really is funny.  Now what would be the ultimate 
VHS tape?  Maybe the boxed set of PEEWEE'S PLAYHOUSE?




On Apr 18, 2022, at 7:14 PM, Grey Smith <greysm6...@gmail.com> wrote:


I don’t think anyone is suggesting the hobby is dead.

I suggest the Heritage auction this weekend will do millions.

Rich’s point was merely a moment in time comparison to the huge explosion of 
other hobbies.

I am frankly excited for the future!

If prices lag, I will buy. If they grow I will smile.

Indeed it is a wonderful hobby!



On Mon, Apr 18, 2022 at 7:00 PM Susan Heim <filmfantast...@msn.com> wrote:

Boy if you were watching Bruce's auction yesterday, there are definitely 
certain titles that don't seem to be slowing down in value growth.  I sold my 
Pinocchio one sheet

a few years back for $6500, a good price at the time.  Yesterday, it went for 
close to $11,000 and those Marx Brothers cards went for a bundle. I was amazed 

some of the prices Bruce's auction realized......a very good job with a good 
variety of material.  I had many customers who called me this morning to order

frames for what they had purchased.


I do an enormous amount of framing for the hobby and I have new collectors 
coming into the hobby every week.  A lot of them are young guys who 

begin by collecting material from the 1970's and 1980's and pretty soon start 
collecting material from the 1940's, 50's and 60's.....and they have a lot of

disposable income. 


So, I think the poster hobby is still pretty strong.  The example of the 
Forbidden Planet one sheet going for $8700+ yesterday is not unusual as that 

fluctuates around all the time.  Remember, one sold at Heritage just a few 
months ago in November for $15,000.  I sold my own copy for $12,000 last year.


So, while we may be losing collectors in our hobby due to age or switching to 
other collectables, we've got a lot of new collectors coming into the hobby

with a lot of money to spend and big theater rooms to display everything.



Hollywood Poster Frames

From: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of Michael Danese 
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2022 9:42 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Interesting. 


All sad but true. I liquidated a large part of my collection a few years ago 
with Grey’s help. I’m happy with what I kept, but miss a lot of what I sold. 
All for the best.  

The folks that love posters will continue to love them, but the reality is that 
the number of those folks is shrinking. 

Yes, buy what you love and you won’t be disappointed. 


MIchael Danese


On Apr 18, 2022, at 5:16 PM, Grey Smith <greysm6...@gmail.com> wrote:


All well said and sadly, many very obvious points, Rich. I think Heritage will 
either keep the auction I built and succeeded with as much as any house out 
there, or they will combine it with the Entertainment memorabilia venue and cut 
back the quantity sold.  

Many of the other collectibles have dramatically risen in value due to 
third-party slabbing and grading, as you mention, which has led to tremendous 
competition. Competition to complete runs in VF condition as with what has 
happened in coins, ball cards, and especially comics. And I suggest the 
staggering prices in comic art are an off-shoot of the comic book explosion. 

Yet, when an attempt was made to slab lobbies, MWC, which look fabulous, it was 
generally pooh-poohed by the hobby.

I fear that posters may never explode as they are and never have been a revered 
part of one's childhood like so many other collectibles are as they were made 
to be collected. Posters were not. One just has to love having them and owning 
them, regardless of the investment value. Why I always say, buy what you love; 
then if you sell for a loss, you have had the pride of owning it. 

I have always worked to get the posters seen, as by seeing them, especially in 
person, one can see the magnificent beauty of the artwork. 

This hobby seems to be the best-kept secret of all collectibles!

And finally, if you are looking for a fabulous selection of posters, maybe one 
of the best in years, go to www.HA.com/7272.

This weekend, Saturday and Sunday!

It will blow your mind! 



On Mon, Apr 18, 2022 at 3:27 PM Richard Halegua <sa...@comic-art.com> wrote:

It's no surprise to me that Heritage wants to 'up the ante'

Heritage Signature auctions are a showcase, and it is the lowest performing 
segment of their categories.... and there is a good reason for it..

the movie poster hobby.. is broken

let's take a look at other hobbies,like comic book and art.
This field has exploded. The increases in values over the past 20 years is 
amazing, and the last 2 years has been totally off the charts.
fantastic Four #1 sold for $1.5M
Captain America #1 sold for $3.1M
the page of art by Mike Zeck that introduces Spidey's symbiotic costume sod for 
a whopping $3.36M
and only a couple weeks ago, the Mile High copy of Superman #1 sold for $5.3M

please, tell me what movie posters are an analog for such activity? I'll 

but there's more.

Slabbed VHS tapes are out-performing movie posters
Slabbed Magic the Gathering cards are out-performing movie posters
Slabbed Pokemon cards are out-performing movie posters

where are movie posters going? With the exception of some small areas like Star 
Wars, jaws, Halloween, Scream.. Mondo posters (these are factually. art prints, 
not movie posters), poster prices are dead in the water.

In 2005, when I still had my gallery, I sold the last Forbidden Planet one 
sheet I had for $8500.
Sunday, a Forbidden Planet one sheet sold for $8768.00
17 years later, and it's only worth the same price?

please, tell me where an investment value is exhibited here.

Great movie posters like Day the Earth Stood Still, Wizard of Oz, Gone With the 
Wind, Ray Harryhausen titles etc etc etc.. where have they gone?
Has even one of these titles kept up with inflationary values?


Movie posters are being left in the dust.


In comics, values are measured by the highest prices achieved. So every Captain 
America #1 was repriced last week to meet what is the current appearance of 
increased values.
Every Steve Ditko page is marked up
Every Jack Kirby page is marked up and Terry & my own beloved EC art (neither 
of us has any at this point) is shooting up like bottle rockets on the Fourth 
of July

But in movie posters, prices are measured by how many posters sell under $20.
exactly how does that benefit the business end, or the investment expectation 
people have when they spend money on tangible objects?

In the comics hobby, if you have a collection you pieced together for 10 years, 
you probably are not going to lose money on it, but if you collected movie 
posters (in the general area up to certain values 5-10k), you will be lucky to 
get 30-50% of your costs when you sell your collection.

Fact, $8500 properly invested in 2005 should be worth at least $20,000 today, 
and if it isn't, that is a real loss of dollars and of your future.

Back to Heritage, another fact is that if Jim Halperin didn't like movie 
posters, they wouldn't be a separate part of their line-up anymore. They would 
be gone with the wind as a failed experiment. Grey Smith was brought in by Jim 
to create this segment and it is, sadly, the lowest performing area for them. 
Before anyone says I'm blaming Grey, no I definitely am not. The hobby is 
hamstrung by the lack of a price guide, by the lack of a grading system 
accepted and followed by all dealers and to be honest, the constant attacks on 
auction houses & dealers from some quarters is a major turn-off to many 

Magic the gathering has an annual convention here in Vegas. I've been there. 
It's got free admission. It takes up about 120,000 sq feet at the Sands 
Convention Center. They get more than 40,000 people.
We have Cinevent (now the Columbus Movie Picture Show) and are lucky to get 300.

These comparisons are harsh and are a direct reflection of where the poster 
world stands. Heritage is trying to change that to some degree on the poster 
auctions. They feel the need for this division to increase annual revenues, in 
order to justify it's value to the corporate heads. As a businessman, I totally 
understand their perspective.

I'm not sure I have any answers on how to change the direction of this hobby 
and to be honest, the new tube surcharges levied by the USPS, UPS and Fedex 
have smacked down the value of modern rolled posters (in addition to fighting 
the "we sell 90% of our auctions under $20.. See how great we are"). Shipping & 
materials costs are brutal now. I can ship 10lbs of posters to L.A. via UPS for 
$14 (as long as it is packed in a triangular or square box) but a 2lb to NYC is 
$25-35 depending on which of the 3 shippers you use. Selling $100 posters you 
can offset this shipping cost (of course, it winds up in raised prices, if 
possible), but $20 are now worth $5, and no one makes a living selling $5 
posters, not even Missouri. My tubes cost me $4.64 delivered. Try to add that 
cost into shipping & you get tagged with complaints of gouging. (shipping & 
supplies costs are never fully recouped by dealers)

The hobby is broken.. I hope Heritage can help fix it.


On 4/18/2022 10:22 AM, Tommy Barr wrote:

Hi all, 


I was just communicating with HA regarding the criteria for inclusion of movie  
posters in their Signature Auctions. I'm told that they are looking for pieces 
which should realistically fetch a minimum of $1000, but 'that value threshold 
may be raised in the future as we explore other auction formats.' Wonder what 
they might be?




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