the tarot is a very old system of divination that we all know of. however its 
divinatory function is secondary to and derived from its primary instructive 
function - a picture book of esoteric psychology and philosophy.

in the tarot there are four suits: cups, swords, pentacles and wands.

cups became hearts in our modern decks - cups deal with the realm of feeling, 

pentacles which became clubs in or modern deck our concerned with the realm of 
sensation - what we perceive (and cups deal with how we react to this)

swords, which became spades, deals with the intellect - with the lower 
intellect - analytic thought. there is an egoic, divisive flavour to this suit

wands, which became diamonds, deals with intellect also - higher intellect - 
synthetic thought - creative and intuitive. there is a magical mystical flavour 
to this suit

i think this complements how the moq works. analytic thought being taken as the 
whole of the intellectual level is SOM. the higher function of intellect - the 
creative function of intellect - is art, problem solving, invention, 

so what does this mean for intellect?
intellect isn't SOM
intellect isn't just analytic thought
intellect is bigger than this....

any thoughts?

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