At 07:53 PM 8/18/2008, you wrote:
> (SA thinks he's the only one experiencing Nature.  He's not.)

SA: Obviously, I've said many times in the past whole cities experience nature, and it's easy to read your posts about the moon, fox, lake, and such, and Rebecca's (was her correct?) marshy cove in the south and Ron's, which I've recently mentioned he understands the woods (which doesn't mean I've rejected anybody else just cause I didn't mention them the post was to Ron) with his girls and their excursions in the woods, I remember when Krimel discussed his home as where lightning is frequent. Did you mean something else? Maybe your just lettin' me know somebody else is out there listening, I don't know. I live with a wife and son who talk about the woods often and we walk in them often too. Anyways... what did you mean or what are you saying in your heart here?



Sometime it sounds, to me, like you think we are all living too much in our heads. Not so.

But, of course, the truth is when we talk, or write, we're really talking to ourselves. So I'm also connecting with the woods, trees and birds. The trees and critters are important to me.



Shoot for the moon.  Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.........
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