
Pirsig's metaphysics is simply a way of dividing the world into concepts, 
nothing more, nothing less.  He explained that there is no way to design a 
perfect metaphysics because that would be like trying to design a perfect 
game of chess.  there will always be holes in both.  Within the MOQ 
framework, ideas have precedence over society because ideas are a higher form 
of evolution than society, and so on down the evolution chain.  as human 
beings we recognize where we are and where we have evolved from.  we have 
precedence over the lower forms of evolution, but only when those lower forms 
interfere with our own evolution, or 'migration towards DQ,' which is 
basically what evolution is.  Pirsig doesnt say that it's moral  to fight 
against slavery only because he is a 20th century liberal; within the MOQ, 
ideas have precedence over human beings, ideas being the product of humans 
and human thought.   

i think DQ does get closer to us as time goes on, but not in a straight line. 
 there are always setbacks and digressions.  That's why i see life as a 
migration towards these Dynamic patterns, we never actually attain it, but we 
sense it and we go after it, individually and collectively, and that whole 
journey to me is what comprises a meaningful life.  like Pirsig says, 'It is 
better to travel than to arrive.'

Okay, now im pissed because i wrote a whole paragraph about the differences 
between Quality and morality that i have to delete now that i just came 
across this passage from Lila:

'Quality is morality.  Make no mistake about it.  They're identical.  And if 
Quality is the primary reality of the world then that means morality is also 
the primary reality of the world.  The world is primary a moral order.'

But you have to keep in mind the definition of morality to Pirsig: not just 
rigid, Victorian-esque codes, but the value-judgments and perceptions that 
arise from the MOQ. 

ps  that sheep example was hilarious, where'd you get that from?  I have a 
few qualifications, basically that the subject must be a fully functioning 
homo sapien, but that's about it.

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