As I see someone arguing that the MOQ position against the Death Penalty is not
very clear, or (even worse) that an ethical discussion about the Death Penalty
is not relevant to this forum, I'd suggest to reread the second chapter of Lila.


"Actually, these last two piles, JUNK and TOUGH, were the piles that gave
him the most concern. The whole thrust of the organizing effort was to have
as few of these as possible. When they appeared he had to fight the tendency
to slight them, shove them under the carpet, throw them out of the window,
belittle them, and forget them. These were the underdogs, the outsiders, the
pariahs, the sinners of his system. But the reason he was so concerned about
them was that he felt the quality and strength of his entire system of
organization depended on how he treated them. If he treated the pariahs well
he would have a good system. If he treated them badly he would have a weak
one. They could not be allowed to destroy all efforts at organization but he
couldn't allow himself to forget them either. They just stood there,
accusing, and he had to listen."

As the entire MOQ has been built upon these principles, IMO the discussion is


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