I think part of my concern is also because many "reading" teachers forget
the purpose of reading.  People communicate to inform, persuade, or
entertain.  But many have made reading into an act whose sole purpose is
pass tests.  If a language arts teacher drilled writing grammatically
correct sentences everyday, the kids might write better sentences, but they
will forget the point of writing which is to communicate.  Have them write
letters, diaries, songs, poems, stories, etc. and enjoy the process, then
they will WANT to fix the sentences to make sure their writing is
understood.  We have put the cart before the horse thanks to state tests....
I know everyone here understands this, but we need to spread the word.  I
have seen teachers in my district (some with Master's degrees in READING),
who have no idea how to teach reading and are drilling the kids to death...

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