My 7th graders are reading at home (self-selected books) for 15 mins/daily and 
doing a quick summary or reflection.  I only check for completion of these 
logs, but I do require a parent's signature which certifies that they observed 
their child reading over each two week period.  

Once a month, students need to do an oral book talk 3-5 mins. in length.  My 
requirements are to make a brief summary and a connection, do a short oral 
reading from the book, and why they would recommend this book to others. I have 
also required they read a variety of genres.

In February, I am planning to  add a longer reading response to their reading.  
They will be doing a two paragraph response. The first is a brief summary of 
what is currently happening in their book, and the second choosing a specific 
prompt to respond. Examples and/or details from the book must be used to back 
up this response.  Each student will need to turn in two a month.  

I will be starting literature circles in February, so that will provide 
students with additional reading with more in-depth conversations about their 
reading with their peers on a biweekly basis.  

I'm oral reading to one of my classes because we have 15 mins extra built into 
our schedule for the entire building for that purpose.  The other class periods 
are only 50 mins. long, so that really defines how much can be accomplished in 
one class period.  I am still accountable for teaching many writing skills too. 

I'm doing all of this and I still have students who hate reading!  Even though 
their books are self selected, students don't want to be accountable for any 
assignments and don't want to take time to read.  There are too many other 
things to, video games, extracurricular activities, etc....away 
from school. 

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to move students to an appreciation for 

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