This is very helpful. Thanks!
On Thursday, July 12, 2007, at 10:07  AM, Carol Carlson wrote:

> We use a basal in grades K-3.
> Some of the teachers in grades 1 and 2 would like to use the basal
> less frequently, but they are in teams and sometimes feel they must
> follow the team's curriculum.
> Here is what is recommended through team meetings, and any staff
> development I can get.
> 1. The curriculum is THE STRATEGIES, not the basal. We also have
> identified essential benchmarks and they all relate to at least one
> of the strategies, often several. The important curriculum is the
> remaining strategies and any skills outlined in our state standards.
> 2. During yearly planning, determine the order of the strategies.
> 3. THEN, look at the basal and any other texts to determine where the
> stories would fit.
> 4. Regularly use pre assessments to determine student's understanding
> of the strategies.
> NOTE: our district has participated in a consortium that encourages
> identification of essential and important learning. Once that has
> been identified, use formative and summative assessments to inform
> instruction and determine mastery.
> I have prepared a suggested yearly plan for each grade level which
> does this. Teachers use it in planning, but, in no way, are they
> mandated to follow it to the letter. I prepared them because I had so
> many teachers asking "How do we fit everything in?" Also, teachers in
> grades 4 through 6 did not have a common text. Now, they all have the
> Daybook from Great Source, but it doesn't go into enough depth on the
> reading strategies.
> Our district also has instructional facilitators in each building to
> help teams, model in classrooms, and work with teachers to
> differentiate the curriculum.
> Hope that helps.
> Carol
> On Jul 11, 2007, at 5:42 AM, Zoe Jackson wrote:
>> Although our faculty is familiar with teaching reading comprehension
>> through strategies, they are not yet practiced. The administration,
>> for
>> numerous reasons, ordered McGraw-Hill reading materials for us to
>> begin
>> using.  The money is spent.  The books are on the way.  Who of you
>> have
>> found ways to combine strategies and basal texts?  We DO have freedom
>> in the classroom to make choices in how and what we teach, but of
>> course, we will be expected to use the new texts in useful ways.
>> Eagerly awaiting your suggestions,
>> Zoe
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