----- Original Message ----- 
From: "tdbell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> It seems like they are much more focused when they are reading out loud. 
> I think when they are reading silently their minds wander more or they may 
> just be fake reading.  I know for myself even (and I am a very fluent 
> reader) if I am reading something very technical or overly complicated, I 
> will read a bit of it out loud.  I think that way I hear it as well as see 
> it.

It's not that they are focused, it's because their EARS are smarter than 
their MOUTHS...That's because a child LISTENS to the words for 4-5 years 
before they learn to READ.  They can tell when something SOUNDS right (try 
reading aloud to them and make a mistake....they'll catch it).  Most people 
find reading aloud or moving your lips makes comprehension easier....it's 
because we can HEAR the errors and correct them.  That's one of the reasons 
I can't stand to hear a teacher say "Read slower" to a student.  Reading 
slower is great when you are learning phonics, but for comprehension you 
have to "hear" the words at a spoken level of speed which is about 150-250 
words per minute.  As I tell my kids, "If you understand me speaking this 
speed, you can understand reading at this speed...."

It's also a great idea when writing.  If the writer reads their work aloud, 
they can usually hear the errors.


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