After reading your comment, I've come to the conclusion that it's probably more 
important that the teachers know this than the students. 

ljackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Knowing about language from a linguistic 
point of view helps me understand
why so many children have issues with /j/ and /d/ (they are very close in
terms of where they are voiced...). But how can you tell an emergent reader
to get his mouth ready for the sound as a strategy, when you don't address
sounds. And I certainly don't mean one letter at a time or sound by sound,
or even to imply that children should not attempt reading before they need
sounds... Only that in order to respond to children's needs, we must
understand process and how to support children at varying points of
difficulty. I am with you, doing sounds is more important than naming them.


On 9/23/07 1:58 PM, "Joy" wrote:

> You're getting at what I'm talking about. It is more important that the
> student be able to do the sounds than to know what they are called. If they
> can read them, and write them, then what's the big deal?
> I also have memories of being moved to a lower group and my mom being called
> into a conference in 3rd grade in Wisconsin when I couldn't read the list of
> nonsense words (much like the Dibles nonsense word list.) I was trying to make
> sense out of what I was reading, and was very confused about what I was
> supposed to do. I also had to go for tutoring until the tutor realized I was
> reading circles around everyone else. After that I was in my own group where I
> wrote plays for the rest of the class to perform.
> Funny, when I was in college they never taught us anything about teaching
> phonics! (Remember, I was a nontraditional student just a few years ago.)

  How children learn is as important as what they learn: process and content go 
hand in hand.

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