Hi fellow reading enthusiasts,

I was recently awarded an amazing opportunity by my coordinator: the
chance to present the comprehension strategies to our k-5 team in hopes of
adopting them across the grade levels. I am extremely excited about this
as I have been pushing for a reading coach position at my school (there
currently isn't even the position in my school, so i'd be the first) and I
feel like this presentation will be kind of like an interview. Currently,
I am the ONLY one who is fluent, even familiar in the comprehension
strategies as well as all the other amazing books out there including
Miller, McGregor, Zimmerman, etc. so it is extremely important that I am
very well prepared. I have to plan a year long staff development plan,
with an introductory presentation of the readers workshop model, and a
different strategy each month. I'd like to provide the teachers with
sample lessons, anchor charts, and videos of my own teaching. I remember
reading on this email group of someone having to do the same thing and I'd
LOVE if you or anyone else, could share some information with me (ideas,
plans, resources, etc). Thank you for your help!

2nd grade
Tampa, Florida

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