I believe my bias will ooze out into this post ... I really mean no  
disrespect... I,too, am frustrated. 
I worked in a private alternative school where specialists came into the  
classroom and provided intervention that would benefit the entire class but was 
inspired by the needs of our special ed students. It really worked like a  
charm.... in that... the classes were extremely small 10-15 in class... so  
during given periods in the day there might be four adults in the room 
differentiated instruction geared around one particular strategy... miracles  
occurred because it truly was an inclusive class with flexible grouping that 
was  "multi-modal" (did I just make that word up?).... mutli-approach to 
materials  and tools .
 Now I am in public school. Classes are between 20-25. Inclusion  occurs 
(more in some rooms than others) because according to the specialists'  
... those needy kids can be reached better if they all grouped  together....or 
because in the eyes of some administrators ...there are some  teachers who are 
"good with those kinds of kids."  In the  seventies and eighties that was 
called "dumping" but now under the veil of  inclusion and support services it 
deemed co-teaching. 
In most cases, it just doesn't seem to work in our district.... kids don't  
have an exchange of ideas because the division is a steep curve... teachers  
don't get the support they need because in many cases the specialist time is  
blocked in 30 min intervals for the entire school ... and the support is not  
every day....in addition... there is no planning time... because our  special 
interventionists must support every teacher ...therefore, you need to  sign up 
in advance if you want to plan with him/her.... by the time we dismiss  the 
kids...planning time is over.... several our support service people are  
part-timers and keep to the letter of the contract... because there is more 
work  than 
can ever be contracted for.
Usually my posts are not so self-absorbed... but I think when we work for  
the good of the kid.... real district problems are sometimes overlooked ....  
being in a contained classroom teachers just go with it and make it work.... 
 with the McGovern post who noted that not every program works for every 
kid....  and the more we can offer to a child the better for us all..... but 
person  trying to offer it all... with less... is not the answer.


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