And to this wonderful note I would add... read the classic fairy tales and 
children's stories -- so many of our children come to school never having heard 
The Three Little Kittens, or Goldilocks.? How sad!



-----Original Message-----
From: Ljackson <>
To: Mosaic: A Reading Comprehension Strategies Email Group 
Sent: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 7:55 pm
Subject: Re: [MOSAIC] (no subject)

Teach them to love to learn. Make them want it bad. Teach them to share, play 
nice and think deeply. Don't turn it into kindergarten--they have so little 
to be children these days. Sing and dance. Explore. Read to them--lots. Play 
blocks, dress-up and pretend--we see so many coming to school who don't seem to 
know how to be fanciful and imaginative.  

Lori Jackson
 District Literacy Coach and Mentor
 Todd County School District
 Box 87
 Mission SD 5755

----- Original message -----
From: Mary Jo Chevalier <>
Date: Saturday, June 06, 2009  2:43 PM
Subject: [MOSAIC] (no subject)

> Hi my name is Mary Jo and I am an early childhood educator currently working 
in a pre-k classroom. My question is directed toward Kindergarten teachers 
however all teaching levels are welcome to respond. My question is : What can I 
do as a teacher in a pre-k classroom to help prepare the children for the 
literacy expectations that occur in kindergarten. With the push down of 
curriculm so much more is expected of kindergarteners and I want to do all that 
I can to ensure their success in kindergarten.
> ?
> Mary Jo
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