Just a clarification...Whole Language does include phonics instruction.  It is 
not an either or situation though the powers that be have tried to make it into 
a dichotomous relationship.  It's instruction in context and for those that 
need it not for everyone just because the Reading Panel (which had lots of 
flaws) said so.  And, I agree with you: at the center of everything we do 
should be a focus on meaning making.

Elisa Waingort
Grade 2 Spanish Bilingual
Dalhousie Elementary
Calgary, Canada

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. 
They must be felt within the heart. 
—Helen Keller

Visit my blog, A Teacher's Ruminations, and post a message.


     I have taught for 18 years in either grades K or 1, and I am a real 
proponent of systematic phonics instruction as providing a solid base of 
letter/sound representation in terms of decoding strategies for beginning 
readers.  Please check out the National Reading Panel's findings in the area of 
phonics.  The information is very comprehensive and serves as a good rationale 
in terms of a research base for using phonics instruction in your classroom.  

    Now in terms of "do all children need phonics?", not all children learn in 
the same fashion, so I would advocate a more "balanced" approach that would 
include whole language instruction as well as the phonics.  Afterall, our goal 
is for every word to eventually become a sight word.  I have found that phonics 
instruction is most helpful for my students that struggle; however, my stronger 
readers use phonics skills to help them decode more difficult words and when 
they are writing to help them spell words.  

     The bottom line is "gaining meaning" from text.  Children can decode words 
all day, but if they aren't gaining meaning from what they are reading, then 
technically they are not "reading".  So yes, teach phonics along side other 
word recognition strategies in order to catch all readers.  Make sure that 
these skills are taught and applied in context of real text.  Decodeable 
phoncis texts tend to be boring and have very little plot.  The children don't 
like them either.  

     You say that you teach 2nd grade so if your K and 1st grade teachers have 
provided your children with a solid reading base (including phonics), you can 
focus more fully on teaching the comprehension strategies such as those 
outlined in Mosaic of Thought.  I hope this helps.

Jeanne Garringer

> Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 02:06:36 +0000
> From: swill...@comcast.net
> To: mosaic@literacyworkshop.org
> Subject: [MOSAIC] phonics question- 2nd grade teacher
> Hello All, 
> I'm a second grade school teacher.  Throughout my time in school the great 
> phonics controversy has popped up more than once.  I would like your take on 
> the topic.  Do all children need to be taught phonics?  Why or why not? 
> Thank you, 
> 2nd grade School Teacher
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