"In my experience, strategy instruction works. For all kids, not just 
strugglers. I do not believe it is only for struggling readers. I would  like 
to see the list discuss what aspects of strategy instruction, as it is 
currently being implemented, turns kids off from the love of reading so  that 
we can all learn what to avoid."

I never meant to imply that only struggling readers need strategy instruction.  
Certainly all of my students need experience determining theme and author's 
craft, etc.  But I think if I hear one more child say I can make a text-to-self 
connection and then make the most minimal connection to the text they are 
reading I may go crazy!  I hear mind-numbing conversations and weeks of 
instruction on one strategy in multiple classrooms across multiple grade 
levels.  I certainly think children should find ways in which they relate to 
text but that will come with more exposure to text and a lot more CONVERSATIONS 
with peers as well as teachers.  Strong readers don't think about the 
strategies in isolation.  Our school is advocating a model where the child 
reads with me in a small guided group for maybe 20 minutes once or twice per 
week and then reads their independent reading book, attempting to utilize the 
same strategy we discussed in guided and then writes about it in a letter to 
me.  Sorry Fountas and Pinell...I just don't think that is what authentic 
reading is about.  I don't follow the plan.  I do pull guided groups, but 
afterwards my kids go back and read a book with a small group of their peers 
and talk about it and they may or may not discuss the strategy they practiced 
with me.  Writing about reading flows naturally after conversations about 
reading.  The teachers on this site all love reading and teaching reading.  
What about those teachers who don't?  I think the model can be deadly and it is 
difficult to implement by even the most experienced teacher.  I know that I am 
not supposed to have read the books my children are reading, but how can I 
comment and model if I don't know the text?  So, I have five reading groups and 
they are all in different texts.  I don't get a lot of sleep, but so far I 
don't think I've lost any future readers of America to the reading war and I am 
proud of that.

Leslie R. Stewart
(203)481-5386 X310  FAX (203)483-0749

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and 
those who matter don't mind."
  ~ Dr. Seuss

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