and Beverlee Paul, I would like to work for someone just like you.  Imagine the 

Leslie R. Stewart
Grade 3 Teacher
203-481-5386, 203-483-0749 FAX
[] On Behalf Of 
Beverlee Paul []
Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2009 7:13 PM
To: Mosaic: A Reading Comprehension Strategies Email Group
Subject: Re: [MOSAIC] philosophical wonderings

A very wise college prof I had says, "Anything that can be used, can be

I feel the same about cooperative learning a la those extremists or
extremists with math manipulatives, etc.  My favorite example is from a
teacher in Colorado, who had a zap right as she heard herself say, "Boys and
girls, shush up!  No talking!!  It's time for oral language!!!"  I'm glad
she could laugh at herself and share because I think about that statement a

If you have to break apart a group functioning beautifully and assign
cooperative roles, think again.  If you have to keep dumping out those
unifix cubes onto the table of a child who's trying to explain to his near
neighbor how you can mentally do "that" in at least 2 different ways, and
"let's see if there's even another," think again.  If you take a group of
book lovers who have come to you starving for literature to feed their
passion and who thoughtfully and collaboratively discuss at a higher level,
don't get out the role sheets, for heaven's sake.  Think again.
I agree with my old college prof.  And we in education could do with a
little benign neglect in our teaching methods and a good pair of eyes and
ears to observe with.  Sometimes our kids slip past us.
On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 10:41 AM, Stewart, L <>wrote:

> "In my experience, strategy instruction works. For all kids, not just
> strugglers. I do not believe it is only for struggling readers. I would
>  like to see the list discuss what aspects of strategy instruction, as it is
> currently being implemented, turns kids off from the love of reading so
>  that we can all learn what to avoid."
> I never meant to imply that only struggling readers need strategy
> instruction.  Certainly all of my students need experience determining theme
> and author's craft, etc.  But I think if I hear one more child say I can
> make a text-to-self connection and then make the most minimal connection to
> the text they are reading I may go crazy!  I hear mind-numbing conversations
> and weeks of instruction on one strategy in multiple classrooms across
> multiple grade levels.  I certainly think children should find ways in which
> they relate to text but that will come with more exposure to text and a lot
> more CONVERSATIONS with peers as well as teachers.  Strong readers don't
> think about the strategies in isolation.  Our school is advocating a model
> where the child reads with me in a small guided group for maybe 20 minutes
> once or twice per week and then reads their independent reading book,
> attempting to utilize the same strategy we discussed in guided and then
> writes about it in a letter to me.  Sorry Fountas and Pinell...I just don't
> think that is what authentic reading is about.  I don't follow the plan.  I
> do pull guided groups, but afterwards my kids go back and read a book with a
> small group of their peers and talk about it and they may or may not discuss
> the strategy they practiced with me.  Writing about reading flows naturally
> after conversations about reading.  The teachers on this site all love
> reading and teaching reading.  What about those teachers who don't?  I think
> the model can be deadly and it is difficult to implement by even the most
> experienced teacher.  I know that I am not supposed to have read the books
> my children are reading, but how can I comment and model if I don't know the
> text?  So, I have five reading groups and they are all in different texts.
>  I don't get a lot of sleep, but so far I don't think I've lost any future
> readers of America to the reading war and I am proud of that.
> Leslie R. Stewart
> (203)481-5386 X310  FAX (203)483-0749
> Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter
> and those who matter don't mind."
>  ~ Dr. Seuss
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