Sorry about the delay in posting Chapter 4.  I was away for a much needed 

Chapter 4 - Reading Freedom

Donalyn makes a strong case in this chapter for allowing our students to 
develop reading identities.  She encourages us to resist the temptation to 
"teach" them how to select books, and allow them the freedom to develop 
interests in books.  Donalyn describes her beginning of the school year 
throughout this chapter.  The following questions are meant to spark discussion 
about this chapter.  In honoring Donalyn's notion of "freedom", feel free to 
discuss something else that jumped out at you in this chapter.

1) Reflect on the beginning of your school year.  What do you normally do to 
encourage reading?  What will you do differently as a result of reading 
Donalyn's descriptions in this chapter?

2) Page 82 - Donalyn describes the social aspect of reading that is often 
overlooked.  She also says that - " when it is required to participate 
in the culture of a class, but may not do so when the classroom climate 
changes."  How can we work together as a school community to ensure that the 
culture of all classrooms supports reading?  If we don't, how can we possibly 
have a long lasting impact on our students?

3) Open response to any ideas found in this chapter.

I look forward to reading your ideas.


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