When you have your kids in a self-contained setting, unlike donalyn, you
have access to even more of their time. Add to that the fact that your books
are short and maybe 50 would be a nice round number. I still am
uncomfortable with naming a number with 9 year olds, though. They don't have
the experience or maturity to see it as a goal; I'm afraid it would be seen
as a version of Race to the Top.

On Aug 2, 2010 12:18 PM, "Linda DeGreen" <ldegr...@fairpoint.net> wrote:

> > Chapter 4 - Reading Freedom
> >
> > Donalyn makes a strong case in this chapter for allowing our stu...
> 1) Reflect on the beginning of your school year.  What do you normally do
> to encourage reading? Lots of read alouds, blessing of the books/mini book
> talks where I've gathered books in baskets and briefly talk about each one,
> class library "tour" to explain the organization of author baskets, genre
> baskets, leveled baskets, etc.

 What will you do differently as a result of reading Donalyn's descriptions
> in this chapter? I'm toying with the idea of a reading requirement based on
> her 40 books . I'm not sure about this in 4th grade. Not sure about how many
> books  is appropriate. THOUGHTS?

 We always do genre studies and do lit circles for each main genre (mystery,
> realistic fiction, fantasy, etc.) and then I do require that they choose
> another one in that genre to read and respond to independently . We do a
> reading workshop so students have a big block of time for independent
> reading.

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