This is not just sad. It is dangerous for our society. I find it extremely frightening.

I wonder what your lesson plans have to look like? Is it possible to write them in such a way that things like "book chat" or "literature response" or some such open-ended, vague notation that at least will allow you, at a certain time each day, to deviate according to discussion?

What do parents think about this, I wonder? Are they being educated by teachers at all?


On May 26, 2012, at 4:02 AM, wrote:

I love the book, Book Whisperer!!! Up to now I have been able to close my door, however now we have 16 "walk throughs" that our administration does in a quarter. When the administration walks in to our classrooms, if we aren't teaching exactly what is in our lesson plans (we've had to turn in the
week prior....that's another heated discussion for me)....we get marked
"down" and they attach this to our pay. The observation are 50% of my pay and the other 50% is based on how well my kids "perform" on the FCAT (which  another heated discussion)!
I will manage to "sneak" in what is right for the kids...but again, how sad
 is that???  :-(


There is no shortage of good days. It is good lives that are hard to come by.
~ Annie Dillard, 'The Writing Life'

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