On 24/02/15 19:08, Erinç Dikici wrote:
(Apparently the Gmane web interface turned my reply into garbled text, sorry for the double posting)

Thanks again for your quick answers.

Yes, 32 and 2 are the counts after "sort | uniq | wc -l". The total number
of hypotheses returned for both cases was 50.

I removed the "distinct"s from (my local copy of)
scripts/training/mert-moses.pl <http://mert-moses.pl> (lines 1261 and 1263), and that solved the
problem! Now I can get 32 unique hypotheses with v3.0, too.

In fact, I am pretty sure I was able to get 50 unique hypotheses (out of a
50-best list) with the same configuration back in version 0.x. I hope the
new -n-best-factor will do the trick.
the decoding may have changed but the decoding algorithms should be exactly the same. The scores should be exactly the same (apart from rounding differences and OOV words, which shouldn't affect the search at all). If you have any evidence that you're getting different output, please let me know. It would be good if you can provide that model files so I can replicate the result



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Hieu Hoang
Research Associate (until March 2015)
** searching for interesting commercial MT position **
University of Edinburgh

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