Warblers have continued to be quite consistent at Carver Park Reserve with 24 
species the past three days.   Sunday(May 19th) I found 15 warbler species, 
Monday 18, and today 20.  I covered a bit less area than I did when I was out 
on Saturday May 18.   Today though I spent nearly the same amount of time as 
Saturday as leaf-out has finally slowed birding a bit.    Blackpoll Warbler 
numbers dropped significantly as did most other species numbers Sunday compared 
to Saturday(only found 7 Blackpoll).   Yesterday Blackpoll numbers had 
increased, and today they had increased even more.  Yesterday a male Hooded 
Warbler was near the nature center.  Highlighted counts from today are below.

Sandhill Crane 2
Caspian Tern 1
Barred Owl 1
Common Nighthawk 6
Olive-sided Flycatcher 1
Eastern Wood-Pewee 3
Alder Flycatcher 5
Willow Flycatcher 1
Least Flycatcher 4
Great Crested Flycatcher 5
Eastern Kingbird 2
Yellow-throated Vireo 2
Warbling Vireo 3
Red-eyed Vireo 15 (exact count)
Red-breasted Nuthatch 1
Sedge Wren 3
Marsh Wren 1
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 6
Veery 1
Swainson's Thrush 1
Wood Thrush 1
Ovenbird 2
Golden-winged Warbler 1 male
Blue-winged Warbler 3
Black-and-white Warbler 1 female
Tennessee Warbler 34 (mainly male)
Nashville Warbler 1
Connecticut Warbler 1 male
Common Yellowthroat 8
American Redstart ~30
Cape May Warbler 1 male
Magnolia Warbler 4 (3 male and 1 female)
Bay-breasted Warbler 3 (2 male and 1 female)
Blackburnian Warbler 6 male
Yellow Warbler ~20
Chestnut-sided Warbler 5 (2 male and 3 female)
Blackpoll Warbler 26 (19 male and 7 female)
Yellow-rumped Warbler 3 female
Black-throated Green Warbler 3 male
Canada Warbler 1 male
Wilson's Warbler 4 male
Henslow's Sparrow 2 (arrived Sunday)
Scarlet Tanager 4 (2 male and 2 female)

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