Andrew DeFaria wrote:
Ron Hunter wrote:

Andrew DeFaria wrote:

Ron Hunter wrote:


The movie clip everyone is looking for, Bill Gates as he presents the Windows Media Player system crash

Ok, guys. Here is the living proof that what I said about TB's presentation of file names is DANGEROUS, DANGEROUS, DANGEROUS! You MIGHT think this is a .mov file, since you can't see the .exe following it. Maybe if a few of the programmers get a virus from it, they will do as I suggested MONTHS ago and ALWAYS display the FULL NAME of any attachment!

You mean this part:
Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

Does not appear that way on my system. What screen resolution are you using?

1600x1200. Why's that important? You seen it in my posted image whatever resolution you were running.

The point is: FULL FILENAME should always be displayed! It is not most of the time on my system. This is a security risk, and so easily corrected.

My point is that the full filename (not the full pathname mind you but the full filename) is indeed displayed as evidenced by my image and other people have also said likewise. So we should figure out why it's not displaying for you (which seems to be the non-standard case).

My thought is perhaps you have accepted the action of running an exe when double clicking an attachment from Thunderbird and that has made .exe files as registered thus TB then hides the extension (don't know if you can do this as I have not done this myself).

Am I the only one who sees truncated filenames? Somehow I doubt it. As for screen resolution, this certainly should matter, sinc it governs how many characters one usually displays per line. I have never, to my knowledge, clicked on an exe in TB, but will check to see if anything in the options indicates otherwise.

Nope, nothing in the saved extensions dialog.

A couple of things did jump out as possiblities, however. I have minimum font size set to 16, and a non-default set of fonts in use. I also use the Skypilot theme. Perhaps some interaction between these factors is causing trouble.
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