Boris Zbarsky wrote:
- An overview of which XPCOM components/services are available and their APIs.

This would need to be organized somehow -- we have a LOT of such components/services.... Suggestions on how? This is really the most serious problem with the docs we have -- finding what you want is hard.

How about an simply list like

FileComponent: Performs local file access <link to api>
PreferenceComponent: Performs storage and retrieval of program prefereces <link to api>

This list would have hundreds (if not thousands) of items in it. I see 93 IDL files in xpcom/, and some of them define multiple interfaces... And these are just the core XPCOM layer. I see 809 IDL files in the tree if I exclude the DOM api and all of mailnews and editor. Just having a list won't cut it for this stuff -- it needs to be categorized somehow...

Darin is working on a xpcom reference for devmo.


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