On Feb 11, 2005, at 9:33 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Never seen MozRef before. Still lacking a bit of documentation, but it
is only done by one person. If Mozilla documentation is to be of the
same standard as Internet Explore, then a dedicated team is really

Yes, I'm not nearly as far along as I would like to be. My paid consulting work does cut into my MozRef time, though I am looking for corporate sponsors for the project. I agree that a dedicated team would be very beneficial to providing good developer documentation, but I don't believe its a prerequisite.

My goal is to make the process of documenting this as simple and painless as possible, so the barrier to adding additional documentation and maintaining it is lower.

Generally (always?) open source documentation is not as good as
commercial software documentation as not many would like to do it (for
free) and it can be very tedious to do.

That it is. I've had server hardware and colocation hosting donated, and I've pitched my own hardware into it so far. If I find sponsors, I'll either use that to decrease the number of days I work at my office to 3 or 4 days per week, so I have a few days dedicated to MozRef documentation. Since thats not likely to happen in the near future, I work on this on weekends and evenings.

My current employer is kind enough to let me add documentation to the site for problems I run up against at work, but that happens less and less the more I learn about Mozilla's internals. :-\

Michael Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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