Boris Zbarsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ben Hutchings wrote:
>> Surely I'd need to find the document first, and that's not possible
>> until it has at least started loading, which I would detect in the
>> same way.
> Fair enough.  You can actually set the load handler on the window, but given 
> that you're doing things after onload that doesn't matter anyway.

I see.

>>                     // TODO: Check whether this is actually important.
>>                     pres_shell->FlushPendingNotifications(true);
>>                     // The change of state may trigger image loads,
>>                     // which complete asynchronously.  If so, wait
>>                     // for them to finish.
>>                     while (pending_req_count_ != 0)
>>                         Gtk::Main::iteration();
>>                     // here I copy changes to the link area (link_rect)
>>                     // into a pixmap
> Ah, I see.  So at the very least, when the image load completes we post an 
> event 
> to do the actual painting.  It looks like that event won't get processed 
> before 
> you copy things to the pixmap.

I don't believe that's the problem.

> Does moving the FlushPendingNotifications(PR_TRUE) to after the while loop 
> help? 
>   I suspect it should...

As it is, the loop never exits.  My actual code for
on_net_state_change includes some output statments which report its
arguments.  They show that it is never called with the REQUEST and
STOP flags.  If I remove the loop, it is called with these flags
during the next call to DispatchEvent.

Ben Hutchings
Never attribute to conspiracy what can adequately be explained by stupidity.
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