"Chris Hill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Sat, 3 Mar 2001 22:14:36 -0800, "Garth Wallace"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >No to all three. An OBJECT with type text/html is essentially
> >the same as an IFRAME...it just displays an HTML document.
> >What the spec means by submitting data through an OBJECT
> >is that, if the OBJECT refers to a plugin or applet that can do
> >so, the OBJECT's output is sent as part of the form data. As
> >far as I can tell, the HTML 4.1 specification gives no information
> >on how to specify that an OBJECT be used as a form control.
> I forgot that there are special rules for html OBJECTs.  It seem to me
> that the HTML 4.01 spec means that any object inside a form is a
> potentially a form control (17.2.1 object controls).

"Potentially" is not necessarily the same as "is".

>  The presence of
> a name attribute would be enough indication that the object is
> intended to be a control.

The presence of a NAME attribute is an indication that
the element has a name, nothing more. Names are used
in styling and scripting.

> An OBJECT is not allowed to be a target frame.

In HTML 4.01 Strict, there's no such thing as a target
frame anyway.

Take a look at http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/objects.html#h-13.1
Pay attention specifically to the table that shows that
OBJECT is a generalized equivalent to IMG, APPLET, and IFRAME.

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