"Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T." wrote:
> Close to 6 month to a year old?

I don't know what this means, but I Agree. November to May is 7 months. It's a
little early to round it up to a year.

> They should be implementing  the same code checking daily (or on same
> time schedule) as Mozilla.

The problem here is that as products get closer to RTM (any software product) in
the corporate world, code changes become progressively more and more
conservative. I GUARANTEE you that were NS developing this project in-house (or
any other corporate entity) that libpr0n (nee imglib2) would NOT have made the
cut for 1.0, nor would any of these latest drastic changes such as XPCOM etc.
Now, since it's NOT being developed in-house (even considering Netscape's
influence, this is not in-house, it's
in-their-backyard-on-the-border-of-the-neighbor's-property) these changes can be
made for the greater good of the project as a whole. Now, just as M19/0.6 loomed
on the horizon, the project emitted a loud screeching noise not unlike that of a
train trying to go from 60 to 0 in the shortest possible timespan, and all of us
passengers were thrown forward and banged our heads on our keyboards. We will
quite possibly experience deja vu all over again when that big 1.0 starts it's
creep toward the launch pad. Corporations that produce software do not do it in
the same way as a grass-roots organization will. Their goals are different, thus
their methods are different.

Not to mention the fact that NS would wind up looking like Apple with new OS-X
patches every 3 weeks if they were to put out another N+0.1 every time Mozilla
hit a milestone.

> N6 should be using M .9 code not M .6 code

Great. As soon as I finish work on my Chronotemporal Rediscombobulocator (tm)
I'll make it my first priority to come back here (er, now, mid May 2001) grab a
tarball of the 0.9 source, rediscombobulocate (tm) to October 2000 and give it
to Netscape. Until then (now?) Netscape 6 will stay based on 0.6.

jesus X  [ Booze-fueled paragon of pointless cruelty and wanton sadism. ]
 email   [ jesusx @ who.net ]
 web     [ http://burntelectrons.com ] [ Updated April 29, 2001 ]
 tag     [ The Universe: It's everywhere you want to be. ]
 warning [ All your base are belong to us. ]

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