Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T. wrote:

> Why shouldn't end users if they are willing and know the pitfalls be
> allowed to beta or Alpha test.

They can. You are.  If folks want to test what will become the next 
Netscape 6.x they can get a nightly Mozilla build.  The daily builds of 
Mozilla and the daily builds of Netscape 6.x are 99% the same thing. 
There are 4 high profile differences between Netscape 6 and Mozilla 
builds. Net2Phone, AIM, AOL/Webmail integration and Spellcheck.  If 
users want to _test_ these features for Netscape they can when Netscape 
does Preview Relasese.  If they want to test the thousands of other 
features they can get a Mozilla build. Can we please take this "Netscape 
should..." discussion to a Netscape6 newsgroup. Thanks.


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