Christopher Jahn wrote:

> And it came to pass that Peter Lairo wrote:
>>UHH, isn't the RED CROSS from the Swiss flag and not from
>>christianity? I thought the Swiss created the "red croos"
>>organization - nothing to do with religion.
> The Swiss may have done so, but they adopted the cross from 
> their faith.
> And EVEN if they did not intend it to reflect Christianity, that 
> would not negate the fact that it IS a symbol of Christianity to 
> most of Islam.

There is more than a century of tradition behind the Red Cross emblem as 
a symbol of humanitarian protection.
The idea developed from an international meeting in Switzerland in 1863 
on improving care of the wounded on battlefields.  One of the 
recommendations called for volunteer medical personnel of all countries 
to wear an easily recognized sign: a white armlet with a red cross, 
sometimes referred to as the "Geneva cross."

Jay Garcia - Netscape Champion
Novell MCNE-5/CNI-Networking Technologies-OSI

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