Paul Bergsagel wrote:

If you would like to know which plug-ins are installed in Mozilla go to the menu bar and click on "Help" and then "About Plug-ins". This will list all the installed plugins and let you know if they are enabled or not. Knowing if a plug-in is enabled or not is useful for plug-ins such as Quicktime which can be configured to for many mimme tpyes such as Shockwave. BTW I find Quciktime is more reliable for playing Shockwave than the Shcokwave plug-in.  When I click on "About Plug-ins" I believe all my plug-ins appear in the list. Is there a remote chance you accidently installed the plug-ins in the "Search Plug-in" folder and rather than the "Plug-ins" folder.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T. wrote:

Travis Crump wrote:

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T. wrote:

As far as the web browser goes N6 is standards compatible. Communicator
4.X isn't.

OTOH: with the exception of allowing for muliple mailboxes and Mail
accounts. The Communicator still works much better.

The biggest fault is lack of the Location bar in Mail and news in two
pane mode. (You can't get rid of that %^&*@# IE like side bar so you can
have much more reading room. IN MOz/N6 in order to switch servers (for
mail) is to click on sidebar to open select the server then close the sidebar.

Next on the Mac platform plugins are broken.

The applications menu in preferences doesn't work on the Mac Platform.

Moz/N6 doesn't allow for uses of embedded sounds (at least the Mac platform).

If you run across a newsgroup that uses old style layer tags which are
not allowed in MOZ/N6  the image flash on and off at a rapid rate and
the only way to get out of the post is to do a restart of the computer
(again the Mac platform). If someone has embedded the sound the console
appears but instead of the sound a window appears with raw code. (Mac Platform)

Setting of threading and showing unread messages in email (at least for
Mac platform) still doesn't work right) They do have it working
correctly in newsgroups. They don't stick in email though.

Even on a G4-500 with 1.5gb of system RAM its still about 3 times or
more slower to open up at start even with Communicator having tons of
Bookmarks, and system having tons of Fonts.

If and when they get all the above fixed then it will truely be a
replacement to Communicator.

But until then i will continue to test Moz and N6. And I will continue
to use Communicator until verstion or until such time as the
above issues are addressed.

Jonathan Wilson wrote:

What in particular makes 4.x better than 6 for the users?
Also, given that netscape is focused on netscape 6, why do they still
even bother to support 4.x?

Although I have never used Mozilla on Mac, in my experience automatic
plugin detection doesn't work and plugins need to be manually added to
the mozilla/./plugin folder.  I forget how you figure out which files
you need to copy in there since I just copy my plugin folder from one
build to another, but I am sure someone else will know...  This does not
mean that plugins are 'broken', Mozilla just doesn't know you have them
until you tell him.

If they are placed in plugins folder how do you tell Moz or Netscape Mac
that they are in the folder?

In Communicator if a plugin is in the folder once the application is
quit and restarted the plugin shows up in the  edit > preferences >
Navigator > applications menu.  see example  attached  (gif). To have to
figure out what mime type to work with maually is dumb Quicktime for Mac
alone handles 50 different Mime types.

Besides maually adding a mime type you can try a Mime type (assuming you
know description and other stuff. Once entered it disappears as soon as
click okay. and the exercise is for naught.


Okay here the list:

Note it will be messy looking as the utility I have to copy window Screen Catcher doesn't seem to be able to do an entire window  as it could in Communicator.  It could make a picture of the entire About plugins window from A to Z. In Moz  and N6 it will only copy the part of the window you can see on the screen:

Anyway here is required info:

Installed plug-ins
Find more information about browser plug-ins at
Default Plug-in

File name: Default Plug-in

Netscape Navigator Default Plug-in
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
* All types * Yes

iTools Plug In

File name: WorldView Plugin

Brought to you by Apple Computer, Inc. .
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
model/vrml iTools Commands wrl Yes
wrl Yes

Windows Media Plugin

File name: Windows Media Plugin

Provides support for Windows Media.
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/x-mplayer2 Windows Media
video/x-ms-asf Windows Media
video/x-ms-asf-plugin Windows Media
video/x-ms-wm Windows Media
video/x-ms-wmx Windows Media
video/x-ms-wmp Windows Media
audio/x-ms-wma Windows Media
audio/x-ms-wax Windows Media
video/x-ms-wmv Windows Media
video/x-ms-wvx Windows Media

iTools Plug In

File name: WebTracks

Brought to you by Apple Computer, Inc. .
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
audio/soundtrack iTools Commands wtx,WTX,mid Yes
mid,MID Yes
mid,MID Yes
mid,MID Yes

vCalendar Plug-in

File name: vCalendar Plug-in

This plug-in displays calendar information.
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
text/x-vCalendar text/x-vCalendar vcs Yes

File name: SVG Plugin

Adobe SVG Viewer v2.0 for Macintosh
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
image/svg SVG Document svg,svgz Yes
image/svg-xml SVG Document svg,svgz Yes
image/svg+xml SVG Document svg,svgz Yes

Shockwave Flash

File name: Shockwave Flash NP-PPC

Shockwave Flash 5.0 r41
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/x-shockwave-flash Shockwave Flash swf Yes
application/futuresplash FutureSplash Player spl Yes

RealPlayer(tm) G2 LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-in (Mac)

File name: RealPlayerG2 Plugin

RealPlayer(tm) LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-in
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin RealPlayer(tm) as Plug-in rpm Yes

QuickTime Plug-in 5.0.2

File name: QuickTime Plugin

The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime web site.
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/sdp SDP stream descriptor file sdp Yes
application/x-sdp SDP stream descriptor file sdp Yes
application/x-rtsp RTSP stream descriptor file rtsp,rts Yes
video/quicktime QuickTime Movie mov,qt Yes
application/smil SMIL 1.0 file smi,sml,smil Yes
video/x-msvideo Video For Windows (AVI) file avi,vfw Yes
video/msvideo Video For Windows (AVI) file avi,vfw Yes
video/avi Video For Windows (AVI) file avi,vfw Yes
video/flc AutoDesk Animator (FLC) file flc,fli Yes
audio/x-wav WAVE audio file wav Yes
audio/wav WAVE audio file wav Yes
audio/aiff AIFF audio file aiff,aif,aifc Yes
audio/x-aiff AIFF audio file aiff,aif,aifc Yes
audio/basic uLaw/AU audio file au,snd,ulw Yes
audio/mid MIDI file mid,midi,smf,kar Yes
audio/x-midi MIDI file mid,midi,smf,kar Yes
audio/midi MIDI file mid,midi,smf,kar Yes
audio/vnd.qcelp QUALCOMM PureVoice audio file qcp Yes
audio/x-sd2 Sound Designer II file sd2 Yes
audio/x-gsm GSM audio file gsm Yes
video/x-mpeg MPEG media file mpeg,mpg,m1s,m1v,m1a,m75,m15,mp2,mpm,mpv,mpa Yes
video/mpeg MPEG media file mpeg,mpg,m1s,m1v,m1a,m75,m15,mp2,mpm,mpv,mpa Yes
audio/mpeg MPEG audio file mpeg,mpg,m1s,m1a,mp2,mpm,mpa Yes
audio/x-mpeg MPEG audio file mpeg,mpg,m1s,m1a,mp2,mpm,mpa Yes
audio/mpeg MP3 audio file mp3 Yes
audio/x-mpeg MP3 audio file mp3 Yes
audio/mp3 MP3 audio file mp3 Yes
audio/x-mp3 MP3 audio file mp3 Yes
audio/mpeg3 MP3 audio file mp3 Yes
audio/x-mpeg3 MP3 audio file mp3 Yes
audio/x-mpegurl MP3 playlist file m3u,m3url Yes
audio/mpegurl MP3 playlist file m3u,m3url Yes
image/x-bmp BMP image file bmp Yes
image/x-macpaint MacPaint image file pntg,pnt,mac Yes
image/pict PICT image file pict,pic,pct Yes
image/x-pict PICT image file pict,pic,pct Yes
image/png PNG image file png Yes
image/x-png PNG image file png Yes
image/x-quicktime QuickTime Image File qtif,qti Yes
image/x-sgi SGI image file sgi,rgb Yes
image/x-targa TGA image file targa,tga Yes
image/tiff TIFF image file tif,tiff Yes
image/x-tiff TIFF image file tif,tiff Yes
application/x-shockwave-flash Flash file swf Yes
image/vnd.fpx FlashPix image file fpx,fpix Yes
video/x-dv Digital video file dv,dif Yes
image/x-photoshop Photoshop image psd Yes

PlayerPRO Plugin

File name: PlayerPRO Plugin

Created by PlayerPRO software .
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
audio/mod MOD Music Format mod,strk Yes
audio/x-mod x-MOD Music Format mod,strk Yes
audio/mad MAD Music Format mad, madf, madg, madh, madi Yes
audio/x-mad x-MAD Music Format mad, madf, madg, madh, madi Yes
audio/s3m S3M Music Format s3m Yes
audio/x-s3m x-S3M Music Format s3m Yes
audio/xm XM Music Format xm Yes
audio/x-xm x-XM Music Format xm Yes
audio/it IT Music Format it Yes
audio/x-it x-IT Music Format it Yes
audio/mdz MDZ Music Format mdz Yes
audio/x-mdz x-MDZ Music Format mdz Yes
audio/x-zipped-it x-Zipped MOD Music Format mdz Yes
audio/x-zipped-mod x-Zipped IT Music Format mdz Yes

File name: PDFViewer

Adobe Acrobat Plug-in for Netscape, Version 5.00
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/pdf iTools Commands pdf Yes

SSEYO(R) Koan(R) Plugin
Please click here to start creating your own royalty-free audio content online in just a few seconds: for free !

File name: npkoan

SSEYO(R) Koan(R) Music Plug-In
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/vnd.koan application/vnd.koan skp,skd,skt,skm Yes
application/x-koan application/x-koan skp,skd,skt,skm Yes

Shockwave for Director

File name: NP-PPC-Dir-Shockwave

Macromedia Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in, version 8.5
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/x-director Shockwave Movie dcr,dir,dxr Yes


File name: MetaStream Plug-In

Streaming 3D Viewer version 2.2 {#2200}
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/metastream MetaStream File mts Yes

iTools Plug In

File name: mBED Plugin PPC

Brought to you by Apple Computer, Inc. .
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/mbedlet iTools Commands mbd Yes

LuraWave Plugin

File name: LuraWave PlugIn

Plugin to display pictures compressed with LuRaTech's wavelet algorithm
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
image/x-wavelet LuRaTech Wavelet File Format lwf,wave Yes

LuraDocument Plugin

File name: LuraDocument PlugIn

Plugin to display pictures compressed with LuraTech's LuraDocument algorithm
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
image/x-doc-wavelet LuraTech LuraDocument File Format ldf,docu Yes

iTools Plug In

File name: iTools Plug-in

Brought to you by Apple Computer, Inc. .
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/x-itool iTools Commands itl Yes

File name: IPIX PlugIn PPC 5.6

Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
bub Yes
aut Yes
ipx Yes
ips Yes

Digital Rights Management Plugin

File name: DRM Plugin

Provides support for Digital Rights Management
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/x-drm Digital Rights Management

Cult3D Plug-in

File name: Cult3D Plug-in

Cult3D Plug-in 5.0

© 1997-2000 Cycore (Cykår AB)
Part of this product is licenced from Voxware; Lightning Strike and LSStill (tm) and © 1997 Infinet Op, Inc a Texas Corp; 3D geometric compression by Virtue Ltd ©
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/x-cult3d-object Cult3D Object co Yes

File name: AboutTime

Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
vef Yes

File name: AboutPeople

Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
vcf Yes
vcf Yes

MRJ Java Plugin

File name: MRJPlugin

Runs Java applets using an <EMBED> tag. For more information, please visit the MRJ Plugin web site.
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/x-java-vm Embedded JVM xjv Yes
application/x-java-applet Embedded Java Applet xja Yes
xja11 Yes
xja112 Yes


Phillip M. Jones, CET |MEMBER:VPEA (LIFE) ETA-I, NESDA,ISCET, Sterling
616 Liberty Street |Who's Who. PHONE:276-632-5045, FAX:275-632-0868
Martinsville Va 24112-1809 |[EMAIL PROTECTED], ICQ11269732, AIM pjonescet

If it's "fixed", don't "break it"!


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