Asa Dotzler wrote:
> Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T. wrote:
> >
> <snip>
> > The reason why the the browser works but not necessarily mail and news.
> > Is because all emphasis is being placed in the Browser. The Mail and
> > news is considered an after thought.
> >
> >
> What gives you any authority to make statements like that? Are you involved in any 
>way in the planning that goes into this project. 


>Are you being intentionally insulting to the people that work long
hours trying to make _all_ of the product >better? Are you just bitter
or mean?

No I am not biter or mean but I am fast getting that way. Its been
stated in these newsgroups that emphasis is being placed on the browser
first and then its prefected then you will work on Mail and news.

I've posted suggestions, I've answered questions (yes some maybe wrong).
I've posted bugs. Still no difference.

Look get real. I "might" possibly be the only Mac person on this
newsgroup and wishlist. I even subscribe to the Mozilla Mac group sadly
it gets posted to once or twice a week and then only one or two post.

Mozilla group don't give a Damn about the Mac side of research. They
would just as soon see Apple and Mac crash and burn.

People have to wake up suppose one day that Apple and Mac is no longer
around. That means Mr Gates at microsoft can screw everyone around any
way he wants. He will then set his sites on UNIX. 

He already making noise about open source. (Mozilla and others). 

So research should be done on the Mac platform not just for the sake of
Mac but to keep Mr Gates in line so that "you" can freely ddesign
sofware as you desire.

So yes in a way i guess I am downright upset, bitter. And I might be
begining to get mean.

Go ahead and laugh. But wait 5 - 10 years see how hard you laugh, when
every piece of software you get on the planet has to be cleared through
Mr gates and his bunch. imagine what the prices will be like even for UNIX.

> --Asa

Phillip M. Jones, CET      |MEMBER:VPEA (LIFE) ETA-I, NESDA,ISCET, Sterling
616 Liberty Street         |Who's Who. PHONE:276-632-5045, FAX:275-632-0868
Martinsville Va 24112-1809 |[EMAIL PROTECTED], ICQ11269732, AIM pjonescet

If it's "fixed", don't "break it"!


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