Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T. wrote:


The problem is that you are constantly making comments, responding to 
others posts and critisizing using completely erroneous information. 
That doesn't add any credibility to you, on the contrary. Sometimes you 
respond to people with answers that are off the wall or even absurd.
Case in point: It is clear to me you have no idea/concept what open 
source is. Otherwise you would have not made the comment about MS 
"buying" and eventually destroying open source software. Go back and 
read about that subject before making those absurd comments.

Other examples that come to mind.

1. I remember you once stating that you have limited experience in 
programing and as an example you mentioned that years ago you used to 
edit autoexec.bat files for MS DOS. That was vey funny.

2. You have made comments about how to format a PC drive showing your 
ignorance about FDISK vs. c:\format c: command. I am just amazed about 
how a person can keep making erroneous comments like this in a public 
setting. You even implied that a person using that command could wipe a 
HD clean by mistake. It would have taken quiote a few mistakes in a row 
before a complete reformat of a drive could have happened.

3. Making erroneous comments about the use and meaning of /, \, and | in 
*nix, and DOS-Win environment.

4. The big debate about your erroneous postings on "quotable printable 
characters" in emails

5. Download manager issue. .. that was a big one!

I think you have knowledge with Mac and very little to none up-to-date- 
knowledge on other OS (e.g., Win/ *nix). Maybe you should consider using 
your energy and knowledge in what you know best. If the Mac newsgroups 
languish is because the Mac guys are nor participating. I am sure 
mozilla/netscape would like to have more mac open source developers 
working on the code. Most of this work is done by volunteers, therefore 
Mac knowlageable people must come forward and do their part .. code 
writing, triaging, constructive criticism (suggestions) and less whinning.

BTW, Iam curious about what C.E.T. really means? .. besides the acronym 
(Certified Electronics Tech) .. computer/electronic equipment repairs 
and setups?

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