JTK wrote:
> Ah Christ here comes another one:
> Patrick Gallagher wrote:
> [snip]
>>> Hopefully, although the feigned ignorance "it's just a symbol!" crowd 
>>> never gets tiresome.  Lord.
>> my, my... he just squashed your argument like a big juicy bug...
>> the star is about as communist as you are.
> And the swastika?  What about that?  Would there be anything wrong with 
> replacing Mozilla's "obviously not at all commie" star with an 
> "obviously not at all Nazi" swastika?  If so, how so, thou hypocrite?
>> then again, you don't seem to listen to arguments that make sense,
> Whenever I hear one, I listen.  All I hear is a lot of silence fromn the 
> slack-jawed "duhuh... it hain't commie!" crowd.
>> and you somehow imagine yourself as being superior to everyone else...
> When in Rome....
>> so you would make a rather atypical communist leader :)
> *A*typical with a smiley... no sir, I don't get it.  Try again when you 
> answer that swastika question above.
>> Patrick

You were given about 40 examples of stars such as the mozilla star being 
used in non communist situations, and information that would lead you to 
find hundreds more - which refutes your statement that the star in 
mozilla is communist without a shadow of a doubt. Now, unless I'm 
mistaken after using mozilla since around M14, I've never seen a 
swastika anywhere in the artwork, nor heard any suggestion of adding one 
by anyone other than yourself, so your point and question to me is 
utterly pointless...


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