JTK wrote:
> Raivo Hool wrote:
>> JTK kirjutas niiviisi:
>>> browser.  They get enough of that from The State.
>> What State? The State of Unconsciousness? I must have missed out on 
>> that, being born in the Soviet Union under the Brezhnev rule and 
>> having lived in the country until its demise.
> AH!  So you're a former commie and you wholeheartedly *support* the 
> glorification of communism!  Well, I gotta hand it to you, you're the 
> first.
>>> Whatagram?  What are you blabbering about now?  Where's Mozilla got
>>> pentagrams?
>> Our friend dictionary says pentagram is "a figure of a 5-pointed star 
>> usually made with alternate points". Come on, do I really know 
>> English, my fourth language, better than you?
> Probably.  'Round these parts, "pentagram" is pretty much exclusively 
> reserved to describe symbols scrawled by teenage devil-worshipper misfits.
>>> 16.8 years.  What do I win?
>> Zip. I am twenty six.
> Yeah, but you tricked me!  I thought you hailed from a more-or-less free 
> society where your education would have consisted of something more 
> than, "Here's a big poster of Stalin.  He was a really great guy.  All 
> hail the leader!"
> Did they teach you about The Purges, Ravio?
>>> Why not?  Kinda when Communism really started in earnest, ain't it?
>> And what's your trolling with communism?
> Huh?
>  > Ancient Sumers were using the
>> symbols ~2000 BC.
> Were they Purging too?
>> It's been used since whenever for whatever reasons. It's depicted on 
>> the national flag of Turkey and you cannot call that a communist 
>> country. It's times 50 or so on the flag of the US of A. And on the 
>> flag of the EU. And Algeria. Angola. Bosnia and Herzegovina. Brazil. 
>> Burkina Faso. Cameroon. Cape Verde. Cayman Islands. Central African 
>> Republic. Chile. China. Comoros. Congo. Cook Islands. Cuba. Etc. Etc. 
>> And I only got to C. Almost any Muslim country has a star on its flag. 
>> I mean, really, what does it take to really understand the background 
>> of something?
> Education, which clearly you either lack or refuse to accept.
>  > Perhaps a little studying would help.
> Perhaps it would.  Look up "Purges".  Then see if you can find something 
> somewhere along the lines of "Here's Some Good Things Communism Has Done 
> For The World".  Think you'll end up drawing a blank on that last one.
>> It's just a symbol,
> Just like the swastika Ravio!  Just a symbol!  So why aren't you 
> advocating putting that on the splash screen?  Oh yeah, because you're 
> feigning ignorance.  Or actually ignorant.
>> associating it only with communism is as stupid as associating it only 
>> with Zimbabwe. Are you now pissed at Zimbabwe, too, or are you just 
>> trying find something about Mozilla to nag on?
> Is Zimbabwe a commie state?  If so, yeah, I'm pissed at them.
>> Over and out.
> Hopefully, although the feigned ignorance "it's just a symbol!" crowd 
> never gets tiresome.  Lord.

my, my... he just squashed your argument like a big juicy bug... the 
star is about as communist as you are.

then again, you don't seem to listen to arguments that make sense, and 
you somehow imagine yourself as being superior to everyone else... so 
you would make a rather atypical communist leader :)


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